Y/N as Raiden (Metal Gear Rising Part 2)

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Author: Who's ready for some cyborg throwing mechs in the air!? ENJOY!

No one POV

Both teams and 2 professional teachers were in utter shock and fear when they saw what Oracle is referring too. And the thing that Y/N have to fight too. A walking machine of destruction.

Ozpin: *still in disbelief* So... That's the metal gears?

Oracle: That's right, Metal Gears are walking machines of destruction. If you think Atlas technology can match that, no it would decimate everything.

Weiss: *still afraid of it's sights* It can't be that tough right?

Oracle: It survived powerful blasts that's capable of decimating cities and kingdoms, and it still functional. Like I said, they are walking machines of destructions. And that, is the latest of them all. Metal Gear RAY.

Now Oracle fully explained what they can do, they were lucky and telling to themselves that this walking destruction doesn't exists on their home.

Pyrrha: *nervous and worried* But how Y/N will fight it? Sure he's a cyborg but is he strong enough?

Oracle: *hummed* Let's see about that.

Boy, they are in for one hell of a ride.

Author: Let's be honest, I'm excited to write this as much I want the RWBY characters watch this Y/N kick ass.

The scene continues on by Metal Gear RAY roaring out before charging it's plasma cannon and fires it towards the city, leaving nothing but utter destruction and chaos.

After firing it's plasma cannon, it screeches further and ready to cause more havoc and destruction on the once restored city of Africa

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After firing it's plasma cannon, it screeches further and ready to cause more havoc and destruction on the once restored city of Africa. The once peaceful city of Africa is now on ruins and destroyed.

Everyone in the viewing room were now left in fear, watching how one machine can decimate a portion of the city within seconds.

Yang: *in fear and disbelief* Why would someone make this weapon!?

Oracle: At this universe? Well lot's of them, whether from mercenaries or warmongers. Some believe they use war as a economy.

Weiss: *eyes widen* Use war as a economy!? Who would think of that!?

Ruby: *shuddering* But they were killing people...! Why would they do that for money...!?

Ozpin: *thoughts* I have been in many lifetimes, but using war as a economy? Who is mad to do that?

Oracle: Like I said earlier, this universe contains war with lot's of motives and such. Whether it's personal motives or someone else's. I already warned you that this is gonna be dark now do we?

Everyone in the viewing room nodded slowly, still intimidated and afraid on the show of power of what the walking machine of destruction can do.

The Prime Minister N"mani is seen coughing after their limo is flipped upside down when the Metal Gear Ray attacked the city. One of the surviving body guards rushes to aide the prime minister, before a unknown enemy cyborg attacked and slices the bodyguard's arm. The name? Sundowner.

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