22 - Welcome to life, kiddo. It's not meant to be simple.

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We were all silent on the drive home. Either none of us were ready to talk, or we just didn't know what to say. Before we jumped in the car, Jet turned to me and said he thought I did a great job, and he was impressed with how brave and mature I had been. I told him thanks for being there for me and standing up for Mum the way he did.

"Your mum's the best one I know, and she didn't deserve that shit," he said. "I thought at one point that I had chewed a hole in my tongue trying to keep quiet for so long, but she broke me in the end and I couldn't not say something."

"Well, I appreciated it, and I know Mum would have, too," I said as Jet opened the back door and held it open for me to climb through.

It wasn't until we were all sitting on the couch together drinking our iced coffees and chocolates and stuffing our faces with Hunter's sweets that I decided to break the silence.

"I really love you all for being with me today, and I'm sorry I screwed it up by making her mad." I had been growing more guilty with every minute of quiet that passed between us all. If I hadn't have said what I said and pissed Bree off, she and Mum would never have got into it like they did.

"What do you mean, buddy?" asked Ruben, putting his drink down on the coffee table.

"It never would have turned into a fight if I hadn't stuffed up and said 'Mum' in front of her. That's what started it all."

"Come here, Madd," said Mum, also setting her coffee aside, so I knew this was serious. She never willingly abandoned coffee. I climbed over the cushions between us and into her open arms. "That was not at all your fault. I should have stayed in control of my emotions and not let her get to me like I did. You were just being your usual, beautiful self and I love you for it.'

"But it just made her mad and rude," I countered.

"She was already being a rude bitch way before that, little bro," said Jet. "No offense, but all that gloating about how rich she is, and the snide shit about Bray and Landon, and the insinuation that we can't afford to go away on fancy holidays like hers. Sorry, but I ain't got time for that shit." Jet sees and understands a lot more than he lets on sometimes.

"It's true, Madden. She was being nasty way before you said anything to her. That wasn't the Bree we used to know," said Ruben. "That was a woman who came into a lot of money really quickly and is pretending to be someone she's not. Now, I won't go so far as to say she is a white trash slut like everyone used to say she was back in the day, and like your mum so astutely reminded us earlier today," he chuckled and glanced over at Mum blushing beside him. "But she was always careless and irresponsible and self important, and I don't see that those fundamental things have changed much."

"Oh, shit. I really did say that, didn't I?" giggled Mum, looking embarrassed. "I'm sorry, boys. I really never wanted you to see that side of me. I didn't realise just how much anger and resentment I'd been carrying around for so long, or how easily she triggers me."

"What are you talking about? That's my new favourite side of you, Sade! Standing up for yourself and defending Madden. I'd say we need to see more of that, but you get kind of scary when you're livid like that. God help us all if I ever piss you off that much," joked Jet. "The language, however, was on point. More of that please."

"Actually, it was kind of sexy seeing you take control and protect our family like that," said Ruben, leaning over and kissing Mum's bare shoulder beside the thin strap on her dress.

"I was actually going to say the same thing of you, Future Husband. Being all directive and assertive about how things were going to happen and what you wanted," said Mum, kissing him right back, even though I was still cuddled into her.

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