26 - Yeah, Mum. It's just what guys do.

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Jet had finished school for the year a couple weeks before I did, so was spending a lot more time with Ruben at work during the week as they tried to finish up a few more jobs before they went on break over Christmas and New Years. As a result, he hadn't been picking me up from school anymore, and I was stuck in after-school care again until either Mum or Ruben could pick me up after work. I really wish they would let me go home on my own, but both of them insisted that I was too young. I was growing to hate my age more and more by the day, especially when Jet was allowed to go hang out with his friends at the beach by himself, while I had to stay home with the adults. Jet always said he was happy for me to come with him, but Mum wanted to make sure he got to spend time with his friends, too.

"I know you want to hang out with him, Madd, but he's got friends his own age that I'm sure he'd like to see, too," she said as we walked around the disgustingly busy and cramped shopping centre, filled with other last-minute Christmas shoppers like ourselves trying to find presents for everyone. School was finally over for the year today, so Mum and Ruben finished work early to pick me up and go Christmas shopping together before the centre got too packed.

It was a hopeless cause. The place was swarming with frantic shoppers, like a pollen-drunk beehive.

"But how am I going to be able to tease him about girls if I'm not there to know if he's even talking to any?" I argued.

"You won't have to worry about that, Madden. Trust me. He'll come straight out and tell you if he's found one he likes and you can give him all the shit you want about it," laughed Ruben. "I'll definitely be joining you because stirring him will probably be the only thing that keeps me from losing my mind that he'll get someone pregnant."

"Or, you could just let the boy be, and trust that he's a smart kid and won't make those kinds of mistakes?" Mum said, staring us both down with raised eyebrows and one hand on her hip.

"I much prefer the stirring option. He stirs me enough. It's only fair," I said, looking at the ugly shirt in Mum's hand with disgust. I sure hope that isn't something she's looking to buy me for Christmas.

"I concur with the kid, babe. Jet gave me so much shit about you from the second he met you and, truth be told, for a while beforehand, too. When we were back together, you should have heard the hell he was unleashing on me at work, getting all the others riled up and on my back as well. It's just what guys do, babe, and he needs a stirring every now and then to bring him down a few notches," said Ruben, taking the shirt out of her hand, kissing her forehead and putting it back on the rack. At least one of them has good taste.

"Yeah, Mum. It's just was guys do," I said, offering her one I liked better instead.

"I didn't realise that all the men in my life were so stereotypically primitive," Mum smirked at Ruben, causing him to grab her waist and swiftly pull her into him.

"I've never heard you complain before," he said, staring deep into her eyes with a grin on his face that matched hers. He then kissed her on the tip of her nose before letting her go, stepping backwards in my direction and picked me up with one arm to hold me on his hip. "But if stereotypically primitive, albeit sensitive, devoted and respectful cave man isn't your style, we can bestow our unwanted, manly love elsewhere. Can't we, bud?" He gave me a little tickle where his arm held me to let me know he was joking around.

"I miss Jet. I feel outnumbered without him around. When is he coming home?" sighed Mum with a smile.

"He's going to the cinemas tonight with Ryder and Jasper, so you're stuck with just me and the kid for a few more hours yet, Wifey." Ruben walked us over to her, holding me to the side while he kissed her.

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