How do I find him ??

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How do I find this man they call Bruce Wayne ? How do find him and will he chose who I should became ? First I went to the hospital to see if I could anything that could use to find him . It took me ten hospitals to find someone who would talk to me and help me to even give me a second look. I walked in to what seemed my last hope a guy stopped me and pushed me back as left the front desk . He pulled a side pushed to the wall and asked me "Why are you doing looking for files that are fourteen years old?"

As I pushed and asked " And who are to care what I'm looking for ?"

"A person looking for the person who wants those files. Wow you just made my life a lot easier."

He garb me by my arm dragging me to whom I guess was putting him up to this. Yet I have the feeling that he does have a clue for the resin I'm doing this. I spoke up and said "Whose paying you to do this ?"

The boy just have me a laugh. I once again said "I'm not kidding whose paying you ,tell me or......"

He cut me off and said "Wow are you really going to play the whole tough girl act please you're not the first of his kids I've pick up ."

"So you know who my father is tell me what you know and what you think is may just hurt you in the end."

"Really well I know much about both of your parents what should I say...."

" How do you my mother how answer me!!!"

"Relax , I won't hurt you or your mother. I'm telling the truth I just want to take you to see him, your father . If your all right with that. Hum, you what I just notice you don't even know who I am and I don't even your name ."

"My mother whom you know, NEVER told you my name and this man whom calls himself my FATHER didn't tell you it either???"

"Your father never knew your name."

"So your saying that this man who calls himself my father doesn't even know my name ," after that I grabbed my arm and pull it right out and demanded that he answer me "How does this man even that he's my father ?"

"You where the only baby reported dead or missing . The only one who was name less .THAT HOW . THE ONLY ONE WHO YOUR FATHER REALLY CARE ABOUT AT LESS BEFORE YOUR MOTHER SAID THAT TO WERE DIED!!! Believe me or not but that's the truth you were the very first daughter he got to see. And he loved you. "

Soon after he said that I looked into his eyes to see if he was telling there truth but all I saw were tears. It made me have a feeling that was different not that I liked being with man was different then my people had always told me . They seemed kinder and not as heartless as they once told me. I knew that this man wasn't as heartless or less caring as they said man where. In a way I couldn't wait for the whole experience. For waiting to feel the warmth of a father's hug the protection . The feeling of having a father. I have to put that a side for a moment and see what relationship this boy has with him. I whistled for a cab , yet the boy placed his hand upon shoulder and shook his head "No , come this way,"he said leading me to a 1966 Chevrolet Corvette. There was a diver an older man with salt and pepper hair as well as a mustache. The boy said "Hey Alfred, could you please take manner."

"Why of course Master Dickson ," he replied with a british accent.

"Wait hold do own this man ," I said looking into his deep blue eyes "if so I oder you to release him at once or I shall not go anywhere with you."

"Relax I don't own him he works for your father ,"he said trying to make me relax yet I felt uncomfortable seeing a old man work for him .

"So Alfred is it , what is that you can about my so called father ?"I said responding with such precision wanting to know more of my father and his life .

"Well, Miss Wayne you have a older sister and younger brother and Master Dickson , Tim and Jason are you're steps brothers. I have known your father's family sense I was twenty. Your great grand-father gave me a job in the states.. ," said Alfred carrying on with his story.I buzzed off for a moment then tuned back when he strated to get to more to date . He told how my father has fallen in love with dozens of women. Dick told he was crazy using his body language. Either way it made me laugh. Then Alfred told me the three women that he was truly in love with. One being his first love that came with the job Catwoman or Selina Kyle as Alfred called her. He said that she was lovely the first girl my father had really fell for in a long time. One she was found dead in an alleyway. Then my father discovered his first child. She was in her late teens, yet she hangout with the first batgirl named Barbara Gordon. The girl's name is Helena Kyle. She also never wanted anything to do with my father . The second told Alfred was a woman called Talia AlGhul, she had left the boy or my brother with him. When she returned the boy, yet the boy wanted to stay so he did . Oh his name was Damian Wayne, he wanted to run the company for my father. Alfred as said that I should never call him Pennyworth. Don't know why ,but I might as well go a long with it. The last being my mother. When my father discovered the fact that she was pregnant with me it . Alfred said that he was over fill with joy. The first out three children that he could be for they were born . The first one he could see with his own eyes and the first one he could rise. My mother stole that form him . More and more that I hear about my mother, she sounds like a monster. After all this and ten years I have gone without my mother. My life sounds like a television series that doesn't seem to end. We slowly pulled into the driveway. In front of my eyes, it seems as though there was a palace in front of me. As I walked into the manner I seemed to fell out of place. I lived on an island and only had my sisters with me now I was truly alone. One the boy Dick walked me into the manner I saw my mother.

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