Mother oh my ...

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My mother was turned around and a man to whom seemed to be my father. She turned around , she came running towards me. At that moment all I could do was move to side a could not see my mother the pain that she caused me was far too deep for her to give me a hug showing a fact that had any feelings for me what so ever. She had lied to me most of my life it was time for her to go and for me to find my own path. What could I do to her irritated her even more. I could just walk away stay in the city leave everything that I once knew. All I could do was run so I looked at my mother and father said"I hhhaaavvveeee to go.." I pushed off my feet and started run straight out the door . My mother tried running after me but my father stopped her. "Give her breathing room, Diana after all you did overwhelm her" said the man who was said to be my father. "Just stop right there, Bruce she is my daughter and I was doing what I thought was best for her." My mother moved swiftly away form my father. She tried to to catch up to me but I ran faster than Hermes. By the time that I sat down I was the middle of Gotham. I sat on the on the curb feeling lonely than ever since my grandmother was taken by Thanatos and given to Hades. That's the only reason that my mother came back to the island. She was next in line for the crown. Now I am the next queen of Themyscira. Yet my grandmother was more of a mother to than my own mother drove me mad. Is it the reason of having a daughter to take care of them. When I lost my grandmother it was the most painful thing I had ever faced . I was alone with the sisters yet it was the that the gods faced me with laughter saying mean,cured words. I had no one to take care of me ,mother wasn't even there for me until her crowning. It had been ten years since I had seen her. The woman left me to be eaten by the world. When I came on this journey I was so sure that she won't dare to follow me after all I was going to see one of her former lovers. She never spoke about any of them. I sat there on that cured for what seem hours until my stomach grumbled. The smell of food took over me. I checked my pockets to see if I had any cash , sadly I had none. Someone ran into me stealing my sliver band . I ran after him say "Give back !" He ran fast as light after yet in a matter of seconds I caught up to him. He stop and turn around and said "How in the hell did you do that?" I ran straight into him. " What you did I do ?"
" Freak !" the boy screamed dropping my bracelet and ran off . I grabbed my bracelet and walked off. I then walked to a place where they showed plays. It had been closed down for what seemed years. It was closed down I walked by into an alleyway that a was covered in police tape . There was an out line of two bodies one was a woman and the other was a man . There was a newspaper on the floor that seems super old the ink was the best faded almost completely away. The title and the words were still able to read . It stated in big bold "THE WAYNE'S MUDERS" by Jill Kane. I had read every gory detail of the deaths my father had to face. He was alone just like me. He had the Butler and I had my grandmother. Yet we every different he lived in a city and I on and island. The fact that we really had no one to share are pain with made us a like. I sat down on that old crime sense and imagine all emotions that could have gone through his mind. I was once again crying yet this time it seemed to be less time. I felt a hand on my shoulder it was no one I would of guessed.

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