The plan to save me

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As we arrived to Circe's cave she knocked me out me. As my older self was calling a powerful wizard ,it was Zatanna . She turned around saying "Faith , what is it! My show isn't just some shilly game."
"Just stop! This isn't the time for you to be telling me what to do! We need to save my younger self."
" What do you mean Faith?"
" My younger self is trapped in Donna's body do to Circe. I'll explain it later right now you need to find me."
I later woke up in a dark cave draped in purple cloth. I tried to move my hands ,but they were chained to the wall. Come on, my older stuff must be thinking of away for me to get out of here. I couldn't see anything or tell if anyone was even their so I screamed "Circe get you a** over here."
Within in a minute she appeared. Trying on a small fire pit. She later spoke saying " What is that you want child?!"
"Took you long enough . Tell me where I am. You good for nothing witch. "
"Watch your mouth. I can still kill you know."
"Then why haven't you. See, I've been thinking about it. That if you were going to kill me, you would of. So tell me when do I really need to die?"
"Your a smart girl. But now if I told you that your older body would know where to find you."
"Maybe , you really don't know do you Circe. Now tell me!"
" Fine, if it shuts you up. Brat!You are in a cave in the underworld ."
"Thank you."
With five minutes Zatanna and my older body appeared . Zatanna went for Circe . They were have a power fight with purple lighting coming out of each of there hands. My older self was getting me out of the chains. She then said "We know where Grayson,but...."
"But,what?" I said if we could get back Grayson maybe that we be another key to sending me back.
"But you need to go back."
"What! No I'm staying you guys need me."
"Faith , you need to go back so that way you can save your self."
"Fine, get it over with," right then she grabbed my hand and said a spell.
"With time gone, Faith gone and past send this girl back from when came back."
It felt like my body dropped . Seconds later I was back in the manner. On the right before I left. Why couldn't she keep me there? Why did I have to come back? None of this makes sense . I guess I'll never know until I get there. If I get there.

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