Twitter Fights and Pancakes

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Klarie's P.O.V.

I can't believe him.

How could he not realize how much he hurt me? How could he not realize I have always loved him?

We got to our floor and I quicky rushed out and ran upstairs to my new room and locked the door behind me. I cried even harder.

There was knocking at my door. "Klarie open the door." Katie.

I ignored it and continue crying for about another 5 minutes. Then I finally opened the door and saw Alie,Ashley,Marie,Katie and Stella sitting on the floor looking bored out of their mind.

"Hey,"Stella said when they noticed my appearance."You wanna talk about it?"

I nodded. " Hey,where's Daniella?"

"Oh she went to the store to pick up somethings for you. We thought you would like a girl's night to forget about what happened,"Marie explained.

I nodded again. Gosh I loved them so much. They were always there for me.


"Oh Klarie I'm so sorry," Ashely said pulling me into a hug.

I just finished telling them the whole story behind Ricky and me in high school. They knew I had a small crush on him,but they didn't think it was that serious.

We sat there for a moment until the elevator dinged and Daniella walked into the room. "Hey,"she said quietly. "So I got you some ice cream for the store,rented a view of your favorite movies and a box of pizza."

We thanked Daniella and we all pitched in to pay her back but she refused to accept the cash."That's what best friends are for." She smiled.


We watched our movies while pigging out on pizza and ice cream for a couple hours. Then I decided to check my phone. I scrolled down my lockscreen until I saw a message from the person I wanted to talk to least right now;Ricky Dillon. He said:

R: Can we please talk. Please don't ignore me. 

K: Oh okay Ricky let's talk now instead of two years ago. I would never ignore anyone unlike some people (: .

R: Klarie how many times do I have to say I'm sorry? Please Klarie.

K: Until you actullally mean it. Goodbye Ricky.

I then locked my phone and threw it onto the couch(I was sitting on the floor). I heard the familiar ring signaling a new text but I ignored it,figuring it was probably Ricky.

"Hey Klarie,don't you have to upload your video for TFS(The Fab Sisters,cheesy name I know but we made it up in 10th grade,don't judge) today?"Alie asked. SHIT.

"Oh fuck I forgot. We should film one right now,"I said. The theme this week was advice week. 

I got up and went upstairs to my room and grabbed my tripod and camera. I then headed downstairs again and set up my tripod. I plugged in the filming lights and went to the bathroom to make sure I looked presentable. I washed my face quickly and brushed my hair. I then went back to the living room to start filming.

"Hey guys! Its your Tuesday's here on TFS and this week's theme is advice week!" I started. "So I am here with these butthole's which you guys know as the rest of TFS." I repositioned my tripod to face them and they all waved. I turned the camera back to me. "So today I will be giving you advice on how to cheer up after a sad day."

So we recorded a few skits as well as gave some advice. Then I filmed my outro. After that I quickly headed upstairs and grabbed my MacBook Pro and went back downstairs to edit my video. I then uploaded it and shut my laptop. We then stayed up until 12 filiming videos for the rest of the gang. We got really tired so I decided to change into my jammies and brushed my teeth before setting up my sleeping bag next to the couch. I checked my phone one last time and saw that Ricky tweeted at me.

@RickyPDillon: @klarieclark answer me please.

I scrolled through the replies which were mostly fans of O2L asking Ricky what happened. There were quite a few sending me hate;calling me whore and stuff. You know,the usual. Some of my fans were actually defending me (: .


@O2LBELONGTOME : (A/N sorry if any of these username's belong to anyone you know. I just thought of usernames without checking to see if they belonged anyone so please no hate!) @klarieclark WTF YOU WHORE YOU HURT RICKY.



I woke up at about 12. Katie,Stella and Daniella were packing their stuff and Marie was making pancakes and bacon for everyone. I got up and headed me and Ashley's bathroom and took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I scrolled through Instagram on my phone for a while and updated my story on snapchat for my lovely viewers. I then went on Twitter on my laptop and saw that Ricky mentioned me again. *sigh*

I clicked on the tweet and it said:

@RickyPDillon: Guys please don't send @KlarieClark hate if you don't know her. I love you guys to death but please don't send her hate it makes me upset. Thanks!

I sighed and saw that Natalie responded to his tweet:

@NatalieObrien12 : @RickyPDillon @KlarieClark well fortunately I know this slut so I can send as much hate as I want to her.

I showed everyone the tweet as we sat down for breakfast.

"Klares you know how Natalie is,she's that kind of bitch. Just ignore her,"Alie said to me.

"Yeah she's obviously sending you hate because she's jealous you have twice the fans she does,"Marie said face full of pancake.

Everyone else nodded in agreement. I sighed. I hope they were right. I decided to tweet back at Natalie.

@KlarieClark : @NatalieObrien12 I don't know what I've ever done to you in high school but just let it go okay? We've grown up;it been 5 years,let it go.

She replied quicky:

@NatalieObrien12 : @KlarieClark oh just like how you let Ricky go? (;

WHAT.THE.ACTUAL.FUCK? How did she know? Was it that obvious? Did she just assume I still liked him? Or did someone tell her about me and Ricky's argument yesterday outside the froyo store? Either way I'm about to smack a bitch.

A/N: Sorry this chapter was prettyyy boring. There will be a little more drama in the next chapter (possibly). But yeah and I made a twitter account for Klarie which is @KlarieClark. I thought it'd be fun tweeting stuff that Klarie would tweet,y'know? Okay anyways thanks for reading. Love ya guys <3.

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