Confessions and the preparation to die

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The walls began to crumble...

I stood the dark...

Then the fingers, long and black came...

They dragged me...there was nothing that I could do

I thought my mother might faint and there was a sudden fear that i think she just would...but then she took on her heels, carried Loxie high above her waist and ran down the stairs behind me. Ferry was at the foot, looking at our faces in bewilderment, a poker in her hand. 

"What-" she began but stopped when she heard an inhuman shriek coming from the second plateform and saw Sonia...or rather something that had been Sonia- crawling towards us, teeth barred in hunger? I dont know since my mind was racing for a plan...though i have one! 

But Nico wasnt here...

Where the hell are you, man! 

I grasped Ferry's free hand and started to run towards the safest place i know. Of course anyone could guess...the library! With its 3 foot tall bolt doors, we might be save although not for long. Sonia was advancing fast and one by one...the shadows appear out of the darkness. 

Somewhere from someplace, I heard a mocking laugh. 

"Where is Hailee?" I yelled though my panic, panting hard. 

"Library", Ferry answered loud and i muttered a silent prayer of gratitued. Thank God!

Sonia crawled still...on the walls this time, her wild hair and torn clothes all hanging in loose bits. WIth a sudden move, she jumped on Morgan and he fell, letteing out a blood curdling scream as he did. She sinked her teeth into his leg before anyone noticed...


I swriled around, forcing Ferry to turn too since my grip was tight on her wrist. "Morgan! NO...."

"Morgan!!" This was probably the first time i had heard my mother scream the ultimate. Sonia looked up, sneering alien zombie like. Her face was raked with my brother's blood and for quite a while that I've come to know her...This was most disturbing!

"Morgan, hang on!"

It was suprisingly Daniel who was quick into action, snatching a large vase from a table. WAit!...Was he? Is he...going to just...kill his daughter? But she can be cured...I'm certain of it!

"Wait, no". I pulled the man's sleeve and turned him around so i could face him. His eyes were red and sunken, there was a mask of both guilt and grief in his features...

He clearly didnt want to do it...But i think he thinks that he dosent have a choice. But i know a way...and its all in the tablet! The tablet in the LIBRARY


I quickly turned to face Ferry and shut my eyes for a brief moment. Why? Why do I have to involve her in this mess...why?? why? why?

"Go on", I said forcefully. "Take the others and get to the library and stay in there...stay in there all of you...But Ferry, I need your help!"

Ferry nodded like a loyal friend she a loyal friend she had always been and always will, i guarantee. More than a friend in my heart....

"The tablet in rolled together with my mattress in the library", i said. "I need you to get it for me and once i have it, i want you to run back so fast, you hear? I need you to do that for me. Can you do that for me?

Ferry shivered. "Yes...but I wont run. Im not a coward and Sonia-" tears welled in her eyes. "She's beastly to me before but I've come to accept her as a sister too. Oh Asa-"

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