Hailee meets Nico....Victoria's dream

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Vincent and Victoria in my opinion guys....I found another great picture but this one suits them better as I've always thought them to have black hair to associate them to their shadow blending ability....yes....Vincent is taller because guys r always taller....

The ceiling cracked and flames sparked through the spaces. The air became increasingly heavy and it was too quiet that the silence was beginning to creat a painful ringing in my ears. My breathing was the only audible thing inside the bedroom until a few splinters of dried paint fell on top of my head and nose. I stifled a sneeze, brushing the debris off and craned my neck to look up.

The fan hung dangerously, swaying from side to side although there was no window panes that were open to let the wind in. The ceiling cracked more and then it completely burst...like a sudden explosion...and I fell backwards as the fan fell hard against the floor, emitting a crash. A low growl could be heard from inside the walls and the cracks started appearing in a long trail from the ceiling, the flames following suit. The wailing of the creature before was now clearly audible and I could just pinpoint Nico's laughter among it. Opening the door, I landed right into Hailee's face but instead of dragging me away, she raced inside with a blower torch. I sensed the worst!

"Trust me, Ferry", she said, standing there in the middle of the room, right beside the broken fan. She readied the torch and the walls burst through and out came the black smog which I was suspecting but hoping it wouldn't happen. I dashed forward.

But the girl simply ignite the torch and sent a stream of flame right into the creature's face. It backed off and smashed against the back drawers, covering it's burning face with its claws, giving a shrill cry of agony. I looked inside the cupboard...where Asa's dead body lay vertically still. Just to make sure that nothing happened to him until Nico-

"Ohhoohoo", Nico's voice projected from the mirror and for a moment there was nothing but a blurry image. Then it cleared to show the orange blazing eyes of Nico d'Angelo and out he came from the mirror. It felt like a really superb trick from a circus kid or a magician....but he was a ghost....
I watched as Hailee's wide eyes grew wider. But then the smog or whatever clutched at the heels of her ankle and took the liberty to swing her upside down while she screamed. Nico hovering above ground had to reach over and yank Hailee away be her shoulder and since she was upside down, he had to place her right side up beside me. Looking up, he winked at me and turned back towards the angry burnt smog.

"Orororo....you just got uglier than expected"
The smog wailed and I covered my ears, kneeling beside Hailee. She gave me a thumbs up and I managed a smile. I can't believe how brave Hailee could be. A fiery thin sword emerged in between Nico's fingers. Now that he was a himself, his spirit self...his hair was longer than Asa and his eyes were a burning orange compared to Asa's blues. But their faces matched the other....they looked like a ridiculous pair of wizardry twins.

He lightly flew over to the black smog and stabbed it with the thin sword. The flames from the sword burnt the smog and as it groaned and screeched, it slowly became as hard as a rock and with a touch of his finger, it turned to ash. Hailee breathed out loudly and Nico nodded at me.
"The body, Ferry. I need to get inside now"
"Right", I said and dashed toward the cupboard. I flung Asa's arm across my shoulder and dragged him out. Only Hailee's eyes seemed to scream....the rest of her didn't.

Nico hovered in front of Asa and connected his forehead against the other boy's slowly, his eyes closed. Then he completely vanished, leaving me and Hailee blinking in the dimness. Then one of Asa's eyebrow twitched and he slowly opened his eyes...except that they weren't blue. I should've known that...he wasn't going to come home so soon. Nico's bright orange gaze stared at my face as I stood to face him....then he traced the scratch on my forehead and I yelped.

"Orororo...sorry, that hurt?"
I blinked. His voice was undeniably gentle now. It was making me feel...confused
"Pretty much", I said.
He blinked at my face...then gave a big grin, messing up my hair. "Kawaii".
Hailee blinked at us, getting up slowly as to check whether she had broken any bones. None.

Nico turned to her and took her hand, shaking it. "The name's Nico d'Angelo. You must be the one call Hailee".


I'm scared...where are you?
It hurts....I can't breath!
Mommy and Daddy are dead....


I think I will die too, Victoria...

I love you, Victoria....


I watched her struggle in her sleep before she snapped open her eyes and stared at the twinkling lights above our heads. I couldn't sleep...not with all the racket Hiro was doing. I mean....why wouldn't he stop flapping on his own?

Victoria didn't seem to notice that I was awake myself....but then she narrowed her glance and tilted her head further to stare at my face. I gave a small hissing scream and fell of the branch of the tree I was resting on....directly onto Manny's big frame.

"Oofh", he let out some air as I slid off him quickly before he could squish me underneath him as he turned to lay on his side. "Mmm...mm...unicorns are probably real....Mmm..."


I stifled a laugh but was awarded a punch on my shoulder. I turn to find Victoria's sleepy yet irritated expression and gave a small wave using my wings. Unfortunately....Hiro's wave was a little bit more aggressive and it messed up her long black hair very fast. But she stood there, straightening up and pushing back her black strands.

I had to think for a long time to remember the words back. "Ur...well...."
Victoria sighed. "Did u see?"
"See what exactly?"
She briefly turned her attention towards Vincent, who slept like a baby, all curled up and comfortable. Although we're practically sleeping on nothing but just wools we gathered, in an open space where the shelter could be seen in a few kilometers reach. It looked like a cave but sometimes due... to the living's constant changing mind, it looked like a another mansion....then it'll look like a age again...
It wasn't the most stable place to live in...but in our current situation, we don't have a choice much.

"Did I said anything in my sleep?"
"Not really", I said. "Just groans and all".

Victoria's voice seemed quiet and defeated...which is so unlike her. She noticed me staring and I averted my gaze at the last moment. Something was wrong!

"I had a stupid nightmare", she declared annoyingly.
I nodded. "Are you ok?"
Her eyes seemed....so sad and empty...like they were....remembering something
"I thought...when humans die....they no longer dream..."
I blinked at her. "What?"

"Don't act smug, Ace", her monotone voice made him shiver a little. "I'll kick your ass...."

The tree vanished and now Asa dreaded to sleep on the ground. He wondered whether another tree might appear soon. Oh humans.....come on....

"I thought that....when I die....I don't have to suffer anymore..."
Asa stood silently. Whatever that she had dream, it was probably painful.....

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