2 - Red & Blue, Primary Colors

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Keith dashed along the alley between a store and a car wash, running as fast as his legs could manage. Two zombies ran after him, rotten flesh clinging to their decaying bodies. He swung himself into a different path, noting that it was filled with boxes and not the ugly creatures. Turning as fast as he had entered, Keith raised his sword, swinging when the two undead things stumbled past. In one motion, he had brought the two down with his weapon.

A rattle came from behind and he turned to see a zombie right at his back, hands reaching for him and succeeding. Trying to free himself, Keith twisted himself violently in desperation. He wouldn't go now, not when he has yet to find his brother. Something silently whizzed by his ear and struck the zombie dead.

The black-haired boy whipped around, looking for his savoir. No one stood nearby in the dark path. Confused, the boy stepped forward and searched down the alley. Empty. "Up here, Mullet," a guy's voice said from above. Keith's eyes shot up and peered at the Latino that awaited him.

Caramel-like skin with a darker hue of brown hair and blue eyes the color of the sea. That were the words to describe the boy's features, the aforementioned laying himself out on the roof of the convenient store. A sniper released its last bit of smoke next to the Latino.

"Aren't you glad I saw you?" the darker-skinned male asked, a cocky smile appearing over his glossed lips.


In truth, Lance had saw the ravenette hours ago and he'd been following him since. The boy had purple eyes. If that wasn't enough to intrigue someone than what was? To top if off, Lance had recognized who the guy was about thirty minutes ago. He could remember that ugly mullet from anywhere.

Keith Kogane, the unruly reckless hot stuff from Lance's middle school. The boy was as pale as they came, out ruling any Vampire. That and the boy's dark hair proved to be an interesting contrast. Keith was shorter than Lance, but no doubt would grow upon the years.

Now, the purple-eyed boy stared up at him, firm expression never changing. "Why would I be? I could've handled it on my own. Plus, with your terrible aim, you could have shot me instead," Keith retorted, eyes snapping back to the dead bodies surrounding him. Lance pouted at his words, but regained his composure seconds later.

He grabbed his sniper and hung it around his back and picked up his shotgun. "I was going to offer that we work together, but I guess we will always be rivals," Lance muttered, catching Keith's attention once more.

The ravenette scoffed. "Rivals? Since when? I don't even know who you are!" Keith remarked, eyeing Lance with narrow eyes and furrowed brows.

Lance was deeply offended that the other hadn't remembered middle school. "You know, Lance and Keith, neck-to-neck! We always competed for top spot at the Sports Festival!" the Latino explained vaguely, gesturing with his free hand.

Keith wielded a long knife. "How did you know my name?" he spat, glaring at Lance now. His eyes only ventured off when he glanced down the alley in search of any enemies. "I don't know you, but you know me? That's stalker-ish."

Lance let his mouth drop open. He was being accused of stalking. "Look here, Keith-ie boy, I just told you that I remember you from Garrison Middle's Sports Festival. I don't know if you moved or not because you haven't been in Garrison High for the last three years, but your mullet hasn't changed," Lance offered, standing up now.

Keith didn't say anything for a bit. "Who said we were rivals?" he questioned all of a sudden, no longer bothering to look at Lance.

Happy to have finally gotten Keith to remember, Lance replied, "Well, everyone knew about it. Well, except for you apparently. It was a huge thing to see on Sports Festival days and everyone liked to watch us compete. I may have spread the rival rumor myself."

At his words, Keith's eyes returned to his, cold hard. "I never complied to such a thing. Therefore, we are not rivals. I remember always winning those games. I had no rival," the boy seethed before walking away. Lance sloppily climbed down the building, hitting his knee on a pipe. He hissed in pain, but kept after the other.

"Keith! Wait!" Lance whisper-yelled as they came onto the streets. The ravenette walked on, ignoring the other. "Look, in truth, you are the first human I've come across and I know that its the same for you. Everyone we've seen this far have only been the undead. Rotting corpse after another!" he continued, hoping to convince the other.

In success, the pale boy stopped. "What does that have to with anything?" he inquired, looking Lance in the eye.

The brunette smiled. "Everything. We can work together to, you know, survive. We've been alone in this since last year. Its been half a year since the outbreak and we were all alone that entire time. Don't you want some human interaction?" Lance asked, small and quiet. Keith hesitated before he looked up again.

Suddenly, he grabbed Lance's wrist and pulled the boy to him before throwing his knife where Lance once stood. A zombie fell, blade in his skull. "Looks like you're the one who needs me. You'll die if I don't stick around, it seems. I wouldn't want to face your zombie version. It'd be no fun," Keith answered, face completely stoic.

"I knew it was there, just waiting to surprise it," Lance lied, coolness in his voice.

Keith raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Oh, yeah? Surprise it by what? Screaming like a girl when it bit you, attracting more to tear you limb by limb?" the male asked before moving on, "Let's just leave this town."

Lance fell into step behind him, silent for a few minutes. "Hey, Keith?" he began, wishing the quiet away.

"Yeah?" Keith responded, stopping to look over his shoulder at Lance.

The Latino stayed silent for a moment. "Thank you for letting me stay." It seemed to surprise the ravenette, his eyes widening slightly before his face turned back around.

Keith began walking once more. "Uh, no problem."

:D If you didn't pick up, I skipped half a year. It's not the same time as the first chapter. The first chapter was more of a prologue. Imma do a thing where I switch every chapter between Klance & Shidge.
-ThatOneServant, out!

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