10 - Missing Bubbles of Memory

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Katie obeyed, leveling with the ground to drop her pistols. In a swift movement, she took one of the strangers down by kicking their legs. Positioning herself over the body, she glared at the other person across from her. A slim man with the strangest hair color and a large puffy mustache wearily eyed her.

Katie glanced below her to where she held her captive at gunpoint. The girl had long wavy hair, so blonde it was like snow. "I will shoot so you better put your weapons down!" she instructed, digging her single pistol into the girl's head as she tightened her grip on the stranger's arms.

The male companion of her captive frowned, throwing his gun aside. Katie nodded towards Keith, who immediately took the guy under custody. After securing them to one if the building's support beams. "Wow, you are incredibly beautiful... Have we met before?" Lance remarked, smirking down at the white-haired lady.

"I care not for your pick-up lines," the girl spat, turning her head away with a 'hmph'. Lance stop smiling and furrowed his eyebrows.

Looking her over once more, Lance's frown deepened. "That remark wasn't me trying to pick you up... For once," the Latino announced, beginning to dig into his bag. Behind him, Keith and Katie focused on supplies. "Here," he muttered, waving the file in the air. Curiously, Katie came around to view it and gasped at the sight.

Indeed, it was the woman before them, but younger-looking. "What the Voltron is that!? Why am I in it?" the wavy-haired girl spat, glaring at Lance. Keith joined his two companions and looked between the photo on the file and the woman.

"Allura... Allura. Why does that sound so familiar," Keith mumbled, staring intensely at the photo.

Lance looked at the raven-haired, hoping for Keith to remember. The boy didn't. "Allura. We are from the same middle school. Do you know a Takashi Shirogane? I believe you're related," the Latino asked, ocean eyes trained on Allura.

It was as if Allura had been slapped across the face. She was surprised, eyes the size of saucers. The orbs were trained on Lance before slowly peering over to Katie.

"You... You look like Matt Holt," Allura mumbled, "You... You're Keith Kogane." Keith appeared to be shaken by the girl knowing who he was. Katie was just as confused as Keith but for a different reason.

"You are related to Shiro...?" she whispered, "Then do you know what happened to him? Where my brother could be?" Katie eyed down the blonde, meeting her blue eyes with her own dark ones.

Allura's attention was zoned on Katie's desperate expression, eagerness pouring of her very being. "What happened? Last tying I know is that Uncle takes them somewhere and I don't see them for months...," the blonde spat. Then her facial expression changed. "Does that mean Shiro is with you...?"

Katie did not say a word but motioned to Lance with a click of her head. The Latino went to the door and waved at the car, giving a thumbs up.

To their surprise, Shiro was awakened. At the sight of him walking around the car, hand over his forehead, Katie left Allura and the old guy to Keith. "Shiro! You're up? How do you feel?" Katie inquired upon reaching his side and slipping her arms around his side.

Gazing back into the store, Katie met eyes with the softened features of Allura. "Takashi?" the older female muttered. Shiro's head snapped up at the sound.


Short chapter... ;)

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