5 - To My Heart, Stay Alert

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As soon as Hunk was able to walk by himself, Shiro instructed that they get move on. There was really no way to stay in one spot for too long. Zombies weren't the only enemies that existed nowadays, humans proved themselves to be more deadly then the undead creatures ever were. That single thought had proved Katie's previous thoughts. Humans were twisted and wicked.

They hit the road and traveled silently for the most part. However, there were moments where they were rather loud. This was one of those times. Hunk had mentioned that he was hungry and wanted to cook for the four of them. That led to a fiery debate about what they should have, one that the couple in the back seat stayed out of.

"I'm just saying that we should eat something healthy for once. What have we lived off up 'till now?" Shiro indignantly inquired, not receiving a response from the other. "I'll tell you! Twinkies, chips, and whatever travel-packaged food we can salvage! And you want to eat that crap!?"

Katie was indubitably peeved at her companion. "Potatoes are not 'crap' and they are particularly great at providing short term energy! They have starch and starch means glucose!" she retorted with fire in her eyes. Shiro glanced at her as they pulled into a parking lot. Her point was filled with validity and she knew it.

Shiro turned to face the back passengers. Both tensed under his looks, Katie noticed through the back view mirror. "What do you two think? Don't side with Katie just because she's your friend. Hunk, you're the chief. You choose!" the driver insisted, a venomous smile placed upon his lips.

Hunk looked between the pair in the front seats. He met Shay's eyes as if to ask for help, his body retorting inward out of complete uncomfortableness. In that moment the boy looked so scared it caused both Katie and Shiro to sigh. The girl turned around in her seat so she could face the couple. "You know what? Hunk, just make some soup or whatever. Just tell us where you need to go to get the ingredients," she remarked, conquering up a smile to make the guy feel better.

Hunk made them stop by a full-blown shopping center. Eyeing the large building, Katie peered at her friend's boyfriend. "Couldn't we just go to a mart?" the short brunette questioned with little ease. The chief just chuckled.

"I need a kitchen and last time I checked, a simple mart doesn't include one," he elaborated, already preparing to enter the building. Katie dashed ahead of him, cutting him off.

Her pistols were out in seconds. "Hold up now! Before you march in there and throw on your 'kiss the cook' apron, how about you prep yourself for on onslaught of the rotting undead?" the small girl in glasses insisted, poking his arm slightly with her gun. He looked at it and frowned.

Unlike Katie, Shiro was quick to grasp the situation. "You don't have a weapon do you?" he asked, approaching the pair. Hunk nodded, turning to face him. "Then we'll have to do this without you. Shay, you must have one. Someone had to have the weapon out of the two."

The woman nodded, short hair pouncing about. "Of course," she added and dug through her bag, pulling out an assemblage blade. The metal had long been stained black and red. The coldness Katie saw in her friend's eyes the moment the blade's hilt hit her skin was one of a stone-hard killer.

Not of the sweet and shy Shay she knew years ago.


They paraded the halls of the large mall, eyes trailing the halls. They'd already eliminated numerous zombies, leaving a trail of decaying bodies behind. Each fray they mingled their way into ended with their triumph.

The last one was a much easier battle. Katie's eyes scanned over the countless bodies she saw littering the food court. Fat guys, skinny girls, tall dudes; short people, they all laid dead on the floor, zombie or not. Glancing it over, it looked like a battlefield that belong in a war. A war of who can win a free food coupon.

"Look, I really wanted a pizza. There's nothing wrong with that!" a male's voice rang out, subtlety in his tone. Silence fell over the four, though Katie's head was a raging storm of words.

Her legs were frozen to the ground, even as she heard Shiro begging her to move aside and hide with them. She just couldn't. That voice was familiar, more familiar than Shay's ever had been. The small girl just couldn't pinpoint where she'd heard the smooth but irritating voice from before.

When she saw a lanky Latino with messy brown hair appear from a food court stall, she remembered where in a second. She silently cursed to herself as his eyes fell onto her body, Shiro's arm tugging her away. Noticing they'd been caught, he let go.

Several feet away, Lance McClain stood next to a ravenette Katie barely recognized. Lance, the annoying jerk from her school days. The same guy who would always say the worst things about those she looked up to and disrupted everyone's lessons.

The exact boy who had seen her in that alleyway and chose to ignore her. He had the ability to stop the events that followed but he didn't. For a moment, she relived that painful time before snapping back to reality. She'd moved on from the nightmares over a year ago and she wasn't ready for them to return.

The boy's blue eyes widened as the dude next to him pulled out a blade, but Katie's own eyes narrowed at the guy's appearance. "You... Look familiar. Do I know you!?" the tall male brunette asked, confusion present on his face.

At his words, Katie sucked in a breath of disbelief. Of course he'd forgotten the hell he allowed her to go through both in and out of school. With a forced, thin and aggravated smile, the girl simply answered, "I think it was your high school Freshman year."

Oof I just watched Love By Chance (finished it this morning) and I want more episodes T^T This chapter isn't really edited. I was lazy.

-ThatOneServant, out!

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