Part 3

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"...If you can get where I'm going. I promise to love you particularly. Just the way you need. Put your heart in a special place. True colours all the way..." - Shekhinah

The table was engulfed in a roar of laughter as Suho recounted Rosé's words. Only a few of the staff occupied the quarters as it was their free period. He sipped gingerly on his coffee as he looked at the brunette.

"See Jen, I have a chance. There are still a few students who don't vote for you," she smacked his arm.

"Oh please Suho, you're never gonna get it," said Jooheon.

"I agree, you're too boring," said Jihyo.

He gave them a blank stare as they spoke of their upcoming classes. Jihyo was in no mood for the hormonal juniors she was about to encounter. Jooheon gave her an understanding nod.

Jennie found herself lost in her coffee. She wondered if Kai would drink again. Last night he had an excuse to go overboard. But she knew he might try to do it again tonight.

She sighed deeply as Jihyo placed a warm hand on her arm. She was giving Jennie a concerned look as the brunette's eyebrows scrunched.

"Did I miss something?"

"Joon just asked who you have for next class," repeated Jihyo.

"Oh," she nodded.

"It's Thursday so I should have the seniors next," she said.

Jihyo released a small "lucky" as Jennie was now the one comforting her. They continued chatting lightly before they had to go face their students.

Rosé spoke softly as she and Lisa made their way to their next class. Most students rushed past them scruffily. However, the two girls were walking leisurely, aware of the time.

"We should stop selling," said the pink haired girl.

"What why? We're in the clear now," said the blonde.

"We should stop Lisa," Rosé gave her a hard look.

"But we've been making good money Rosie. Come on"

"I value my education more," she replied

"Since when?" asked the blonde

"Since I realise it can get me further in life," Rosé entered the classroom as Lisa moped behind her. There was no way the blonde could argue with that.

The puffy cheeked girl headed over to her designated seat near the back as Lisa followed. She wanted to continue chatting to her. Rosé listened as Lisa tried to persuade her.

But the older girl was already stuck on her decision. She allowed her friend to continue as she saw no harm in entertaining her. A movement to her right caught Lisa's attention.

She stopped mid-sentence as she saw who it was. His black hair was combed neatly as he straightened his tie. Lifting his glasses he looked at the blonde expectantly.

"OH DEAR LORD JESUS NO," Lisa dramatically placed out her hand in front of the boy.

His eyes fell immediately and without a word he returned to his seat. Rosé saw that Jaehyun was comforting his friend after the failed attempt at talking to the blonde. She looked at Lisa with an unbelievable smile.

"Ten's a good guy, Lis. Like damn," Rosé broke in to a fit of laughter at her friend's actions.

"Good guy my ass, he just wants to fuck me," It was one of numerous times Rosé had seen Ten nervously try to speak to her friend.

She didn't think that was the boy's intentions. He looked more enamoured with Lisa's personality than anything else. She was going to voice her thoughts when the bell rang.

Ms Kim entered the room and immediately asked them to take out their exercise books. Everyone hurried to their designated seats and Rosé watched as Lisa moved to the far end of the room. Opening her book, she reminded herself to talk to her friend after class. 

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