Part 4

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"She took what destroyed her and wrapped it in a cardboard box. She sent it away to a place she had forgotten, addressed to herself. She was so desperately fooled. Yearning to make new mistakes. She set out on a mission of new love. Hopelessly blinded by misguided expectations. Heart on her sleeve. She punished herself, though she forgave them. She hated herself although she loved them. She hated herself for loving them. She was not what they were. She was her..." Margi Naudé

The classed filled with happiness as Lisa spoke enthusiastically. Jennie watched as Mark Lee matched her tone. The two seemed to work off each other easily.

Both Jaehyun and Rosé's attention were focused on Ten's reactions. He appeared to not be fazed by the chemistry the two had. But Jaehyun knew his friend better, he sighed at Ten's meekness.

Rosé eyes roamed the class and soon she just found herself staring out the window. The sky was covered in clouds, like a secret waiting to be uncovered. They also looked edible. She grinned as she wrote the image in her personal notebook.

The students kept laughing at Lisa and Mark's reading of "The Animal Farm".  Jennie resigned to let them just continue until the bell rang. She scanned her class. Almost all of them were engrossed in Mark and Lisa's performance.

She didn't blame them. It was hilarious. However one student was writing nonchalantly in a book. Rosé would pause to stare out the window from time to time. But she was completely uninterested in her friend's performance.

Jennie watched as she pouted. It made her face shift adorably. Lisa and Mark continued in the background as the other students cheered them on. Rosé wrote a little more when she felt someone staring.

Their eyes met and Jennie found herself blushing as Rosé looked at her in that way again. She was soaking in the depth of Rosé's eyes and Jennie rubbed her neck at the warmth of it.

She wondered where the teenager had learnt to look at people like that. It was so...penetrative.

Mark gasped in horror as he performed his character and Lisa herself broke in to laughter. Everyone clapped and once they stopped the two continued. Rosé watched has her teacher diverted her gaze.

Smirking, the pink haired girl closed her book and faced forward. This time she allowed herself to drink in every inch of her teacher's figure. She wondered if Ms Kim would be willing to sit for her.

She would love to draw the woman. She leaned forward and placed her chin in her hand as she let the thought grow. What colours would she use? The teacher's eyes returned.

Rosé gave her a soft smile and Jennie found herself distracted. Checking the watch she saw there was still twenty minutes left. Knowing she couldn't let them keep reading she asked for their attention.

They would share some of their writing instead. Whoever was willing to and she knew the same people would most likely offer their work. Mark and Lisa high fived as they sat down.

Everyone listened as Dahyun shared some of her writing and soon almost everyone else followed. Except for Ms Park. Again Jennie wondered why the young woman never wanted to share her work.

Yes, there were others who didn't but she knew that Roseanne had not shared her writing with the rest of the class since Jennies been teaching them. Though she was able to read the kids work herself, she felt it was important for them to learn from each other.

She had wanted to speak to the young woman because she knew she was talented. But Jennie never seemed to find the time. Her real reason though was that the teenager intimidated her.

She couldn't explain why but Rosé just did. She saw her shift. Rosé was staring out the window again and Jennie's eyes followed her. The teenager reached for a bottle. Jennies own throat followed as she watched the young woman swallow. Maybe she did know why. The brunette sighed in unexpected relief as the bell rang and without a glimpse at her teacher, Rosé followed her peers out the class. 

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