Part 56

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Jennie got out of her car and made her way in to her house. It was a cosy little place and she'd been able to buy it on a good deal. Heading in to the kitchen she checked her phone and saw that William wanted to go out to the café for lunch break tomorrow.

She chuckled at her friend and colleagues need to have those café bagels for lunch. She went in to her bed room and took out the box from underneath the bed. Each day she would take a quote with her, it helped her get through the day.

She smiled sadly as she read over Rosé's words again. It never got old, doing this every day. It helped her to continue forward. But she knew she could never move on from Rosé. Unfortunately Jennie's heart would always belong to the younger woman.

Pouting she placed the quote back in to the box and returned to the kitchen. She needed to make something to eat and get some work in for the night.

Luca and Carmen waved at Rosé as she left to board the plane. She only came with a backpack and they had to buy her some extra clothes during her stay in Australia. Carmen had wanted one of them to travel with her to New Zealand but the girl was adamant.

She had to do this alone. If anything she hoped that Jennie didn't hate her. She remembered how her mother had treated the brunette and though she didn't know who Jennie was at the time, she couldn't really forgive herself for ever forgetting the woman. Buckling up she sat back as the plane took off.

William continued to babble on about the stubbornness of their editor. Jennie and Raeil sat listening to him in amusement. The café was not as busy this afternoon but the brunette placed it down to them having taken their lunch break later.

"Will, it takes precision to run an editorial. You need to give our boss some credit," said Raeil

Jennie agreed with him but William wasn't having it. They continued the lively discussion for the most part of their 1 hour lunch break.

"I'm sorry but they left for lunch about 15 minutes ago?" said the receptionist.

"Do you know where maybe?" tried Rosé.

"Maybe the café two streets down from here. It's called the Bistro," Rosé thanked the lady and quickly exited the building to go to the café

"We should head back guys," said Jennie as she checked the time. They gathered their things and decided to stroll back to work. It was a beautiful sunny day and they wanted to soak it in.

Rosé watched from a far as Jennie walked between the two men. She'd come straight to the brunette's workplace from the flight and the tiredness was kicking in. Deciding to see Jennie another day, Rosé made her way to the hotel she'd be staying at.

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