Part 35

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Jennie sat with her hands solemnly over her mouth as the class listened to the intercom. Each of the teenagers had stunned faces as they listened to the news.

Ten's heart was beating loudly as they heard that one of the juniors in the school had passed away. The school would be holding a memorial ceremony for him and the cause of his death was still under investigation.

As the intercom finished the class broke out in to shocked discussion. Everyone was wondering what could have been the cause and hopefully it could be resolved soon. Lisa didn't participate in any of the conversations. She saw that Ten was sweating lightly. She knew what he was feeling as the deceased boy's name rang through her head.

She shook her head furiously as B-bomb seemed way too at ease. This was disastrous and she could see Ten was having a panic attack next to her. She kissed him softly in hopes of calming him down. She turned to B,

"It's over B. We're ending this shit," she couldn't fathom what would happen.

"Could you two relax, it's not like we know what caused his death. It could have been like a illness or something. Maybe that's why he wanted stronger drugs," he reasoned.

"And what if it's not B! What the fuck do we do, the police might get involved in this. He was one of our regular clients, it could all lead.." Lisa could not finish the sentence.

Ten began to heave as he remembered sending the boy off to P.O. two days ago. This was too much. Lisa made her way to him and held his hand.

"Don't jump to conclusions okay. We just need to wait and see," said B-Bomb. Lisa gave Ten another kiss and said they were leaving.

"Whatever happens B, I hope you remember what you promised me. You better fucking remember," she allowed Ten to pull her away.

The auditorium was still as the procession began. The boy's parents were in attendance and it appeared they seemed grateful for the memorial service. Principal Yunho continued to address everyone as some kids were murmuring under their breaths.

Yesterday the police had concluded that the boy had died from an overdose on a strong strain of crystal meth. They were still investigating if it might be connected to the various gang networks in the city.

It was the talk of the school and Lisa felt that everyone's eyes were all over her. The auditorium fell in to a prayer and she took a glance at the boys parents. The mom was sobbing while the dad sat stiffly. Principal Yunho called her name. Numbing herself, Lisa got up to give the student council's words of condolences.

"Lis, are you okay?" asked Rosé. She was packing up her art supplies and had asked if the blonde could pass her the brushes. She wanted them to go home quickly but Lisa was unresponsive.

"Lisa, Lisa," the blonde shook out of her thoughts as Rosé dropped her hands from her arms.

"Did you say something?" she asked hazily

Rosé knew that the death of that junior had affected most of the school but it had been just over two weeks since it happened. The school was going back to normal but she noticed that Lisa has not been acting like herself.

"I asked if you are alright?" she repeated in worry.

"Yeah, sorry let me help pack up," Lisa moved to get up but Rosé stopped her with a gentle smile.

"No no, you just sit and rest. I'll be done in a minute then we can go. Okay," her friend nodded slowly.

"Lis, I'm here for you okay. Nothing will change that. Remember you're stuck with me," Rosé kissed her forehead and told her she was their when Lisa was ready to talk about what bothered her.

The blonde wanted to clutch on to her best friend and reveal all her worries but she couldn't risk disappointing her either. Rosé would be so sad knowing that she had gone behind her back, and worked with those idiots. This was too much. She forced her mind to go blank as Rosé finished packing.

"Where do you get the drugs B?" she wished she'd asked this all before she agreed to this.

"Where's that question coming from all of a sudden?'' He looked incredulous.

"Does it involve a gang?" she asked

"What! Hell no," he shook his head vigourously.

"You better not be fucking lying to me dude,"

"I'm not Lisa. Chill. If anything happens I'll take the fall for it," he patted her shoulder and offered to buy her some chips.

Kai slammed his fists in frustration against the steering wheel. Patting down his hair he made sure he looked presentable before getting out.

"Yeah, I have to call it off. But only for now. The event we're working on is too big a project and it overlaps with the art show," he cursed the company he worked for as he forced his voice to sound sad.

"That's a bummer," said Rosé.

"But I still plan to do something and I'd love you to help. I still don't want Jennie to find out anything," he spoke secretively.

Rosé thought about what she should say when he abruptly excused himself. She watched as he closed the class door with a wave. She bit her lip. He never gave her a chance to actually respond and it was beginning to irritate her.

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