Not So Simple: Poppy Part 5

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It took about a week of solitude for Poppy to finally let me move arou d the room freely. I was scared f9r my situation though who wouldn't be. For some reason I wasn't to conserned? Maybe because I was close to Poppy and this was almost the same as a sleepover with a friend- except the difference was you couldn't leave. "Lina!" Kicking open the door, Poppy came in with two plates, "I made pancakes! Want some~" she presented a plate to me with thin pancakes drizzled with chocolate syrup. I nodded a thanks and took the plate sitting down on the bed, "Are you mad about this 'kidnapped' stuff still?" She crouched down on her knees and crossed her arms laying them on my thighs from where I sat on the bed. I did miss my parents, my home, and for some reason school; being torn from the world made me realize how we really take it for granted. "Like I said Lina- I did this to protect you," she stood to sit beside me, "Protect me? From what?" I was concerned but the way I spoke I sounded more irritated then such. The blonde just looked down, her hair slightly covered my view of her face. "Poppy look, I'm not mad at you ((yet)) I just think I nee-" I stumbled to a stop in my words when a cough took over me. ((TW: Blood and vomit)) I had fallen off the bed clutching my mouth and stomach that felt as if it was being ripped out of me. "H-holy shi-" the sudden vomit prevented words from leaving my mouth- but that was the least of my worries; what got me was the fact I was vomiting blood. "Hold on-" Poppy shot up leaving the room 'maybe she is getting a first aid?' "GA! Mother f-" I continued to cough with sudden ringing running through my head. Once Poppy left the room the pain seemed to intensify "P-Poppy..." I tried to stand or at least call out, but even whispers were difficult. "I...I cant..." My breathing hitched as I continued to cough and gag on saliva that built up from preventing vomit to escape my throat again, "you can actually" A more adult male voice came from behind me. I lifted myself to my knees using my hands to keep me up, "Just like at the party." The pain was unbearable, tears blurred my mission 'w-who the hell is talking to me?' I turned but my level compared to the figure was insane- lifting my head as high as I could all I saw were dress shoes and long legs 'he must be in a suit? Maybe it's death himself?' I half joked and my face heated up in distress as I cough feeling the vomit burn my throat causing me to bit my younger and more blood ran down my chin and dripped to the floor, "Lina!!" I head shot towards the door making the static ringing increase in volume. One moment Poppy was at the door staring the man who was behind me- 'so I'm not engaging this person' the next moment there's a loud bang and I'm being dragged. Poppy pulled me with her arms under my pits to lift me up. Lucky me- because thanks to Poppy dragging me in that position I could see the whole basement like room with my tear full eyes. Part of me didn't believe what I saw, the other part wanted me to gut myself for it. This tall slim figure stood around 9 to 10 feet tall in a black suit. I must had been hallucinating- or I was seeing things while Poppy saw the real thing- because there was not way it could be real. 'my eyes are playing tricks on me' I really was hoping so because the more I looked at it, the more I realized the figure had abnormal features such as no face and long claw like fingers. *BANG* a gun was fired from Poppy's position to the figure. At first a bullet landed in the wall, then the next in the figures forearm making it shriek. The screams were full of glitches and static- the ringing made my ears actually start to bleed. The figure finally made a move as if it was having a difficult time while I stared at it. As it reached out I heard a light laughter of children, a faint voice came out of the mix and I felt deaf "come back to me" I felt it whispering to me till Poppy pulled me up some stairs and into a restroom, "Don't worry when he's in one room he normally doesn't leave it to wonder the house- in fact he normally doesn't enter bathrooms I don't know why ((cough-- cough-- reference)) once the ringing stops that's the cue to leave" Poppy sat me on the toilet and I grid my teeth, "the hell was that thing!?" I yelled dramatically staring up at the blond once known beauty, she simply glared back and smacked her lips "All you need to know for now, is 'that thing' is after you" I just about had it as she quoted the two words I used to describe that figure. "What did I do to make some creature want me!" Poppy looked down ignoring my questions, "Lina... you think this is an easy thing to explain don't you?" Her devilish glance met my eyes and I fell silent remembering my position. "You think you're so~ basic- well... a girl like you isn't so simple."

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