Midnight+Author's note

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S/N: Hello everyone, so in case you don't already know, I'm Sein^^ One of Karina's friends who use this account cus... y not.

S/N: I bet you are wondering where Kari.evsan is, no? well lets pretend you are wondering then.

Karina has been working on drafts and hasnt really posted anything for a while as you can tell, this is because something really personal happened to the precious bean and she needs some space, (and a vacation)

At first school was in her way being that she is transferring to some new smart high school, but some issues have come up and she needs all the leaser she can get right now

Of course I knew she was procrastinating on posting a lot of stories she has made so I thought i'd ask her if I could edit and post some of the drafts. (she said yes so yay)

Also, if she randomly posts stuff trying not to talk about why she has been gone plz dont be mad at her. 

And our trusty friend Klad, he'll most likely never really come back. dont mean to make it sound bad but something happened and now Kari needs to cool off i guess. 

let's hope everything turns out okay, but until then I will do my best to keep you all posted on the situation and I will be going through some drafts Kari has and posting them.

I know i could write some of my own things sense Kari has said I could but I dont write horror I write...NSFW stuff...

and Im not good at making new characters id probably just start writing fan fiction of anime lol.

Finally, lets get into the short horror story Karina wrote^^ I assume it will be great as always.

WARNING: mentions of sexual abuse, suicide, depression, and anxiety attacks, cutting throat, blood, death

Please do not take any of this personally or seriously this is all fantasy, pretend, story- if you do struggle from any of the warnings above or anything related to this story do seek help and know you are not alone. This is a serious thing and not something to be taken lightly.





10:37 pm on a Friday. 

Everything is quiet besides the music buzzing through the young girl's ears. they chimed and blasted as the drumming picked up then lowered for a guitar solo.

She lay on her back facing the ceiling with her eyes half lidded. Alone in her room, navy blue walls and tan carpet, she let the words in the song fill her head.

Pictures from video games, anime she watched, scattered the wall her bed leaned against. A window covered by blinds and curtains erased any moon light that wondered if it could light the echoing room.

Nothing in the room wanted to move, not even the girl. her short red hair itched her eye lashes but she still laid still. Her phone sat on the ground under the window, plugged into an outlet that was burnt and smoky brown. 

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