Prologue- The Fool

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"Oh come on, Legs! Just pass me the ball!" Hiroshi called out from the other side of the volleyball court. "It's just a practice game anyway, so don't over think it, and pass the ball!"
"I'm not over thinking dammit!" i shouted back, while clearly over thinking. What if i toss the ball too high, or too low? What if it hits Hiroshi or one of the other students?! I'll be done for!
I breathe a sigh of relief as the teacher blew the whistle, signaling the end of gym class. Signaling the last day of school before the summer begins. In 1 week, entrance exams for high schools all over the country will be taking place.
"Ugh. I hope you're happy, Chiba!" Hiroshi groans as he walks past me.
"Thrilled." i responded with a chuckle. I liked Hiroshi. I liked him a lot. But i knew if i acted on this crush of mine, nothing good would come from it. I would get bullied, and targeted. And that was not going to happen. Not after what happened at my last middle school.
"Earth to Legs! You listening?" Hiroshi hits the back of my head with a book, which glitches and gets stuck in my skull.
"Hm? What?" i ask as i glitch again and pull out the book.
Hiroshi shivers, "i will never get used to that.. Anyway, i asked if you were doing anything after school."
I shrug as i pull my school uniform, "ah.. Nothing i can think of. I was honestly just going to pop into Youtube and wreak havoc. Why?"
Hiroshi rubs the back of his neck, "i need your help with something."

I had no idea what i signed on for, but it was definitely not this. "I wouldn't have agreed if i knew we'd be running from the cops!"
Hiroshi winces at my tone, "i know that! I'm sorry, but i needed the money!"
"For what, you moron!?" i shout at him as i skid around a corner on my knee. I supress a shout as i feel my bone crack and pop below the skin. I wince sharply as i roll off to the side. "Dammit!"
"Thanks for the cash, Chiba ol' pal! I owr ya one!" my classmate shouts over his shoulder as he runs off.
I look after his receding form as i clutch my knee, "Hiroshi you asshole!.... Don't leave me here.."
"Stay where you are!" a cop yells at me from a few yards back.
I pull myself up and baby my bad leg as i raise my hands in a surrender. "I.. I'm sorry.."
"Save it for someone who cares." a cop grunts in annoyance as she handcuffs me. "Now. Where are your parents?"
"Who knows? But i should save it for someone who cares, right?" i ask sarcastically.
"'re goin' down to the station." she said as she drug me back to the police car.

"You hacked an ATM." the detective said with narrowed eyes. "Why?" when i don't answer, he slams his hands down on the desk and shouts. "Why?!"
"That's quite enough sergeant." another man walks in. "I'll take it from here."
"Yes sir."
When the detective leaves, the other man removes his tan overcoat and hat and sets them off to the side. He saunters over and sits down across from me. "My name is Naomasa Tsukauchi. I'm a detective and the cheif of police here."
I glitch my hand, and my right hand is freed from the iron cuffs. I shake his hand before replacing the cuff with another glitch. "Lin Chiba. It's nice to meet you."
"Can you deactivate your quirk?" Tsukauchi asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Not to my knowledge sir." i confess. "Listen.. I-i didn't mean to. My friend made me do it!"
"Well.. You're not lying. How did it happen?"
"My classmate.. He asked if i could help him out, so i said yeah. He didn't tell me what he needed help with." i explain guiltily. "When he took me to an ATM, he just told me that he wanted company while he got money from his account. I leaned up against the machine.. And the alarm went off after the machine started spitting out thousands of dollars.. It was an accident!"
He looks at me for a moment in silence. "We looked in your file. We couldn't reach your parents. Where are they?"
I hiss through my teeth, before grimly smiling. "Tsk.. Hell if i know."
"You're telling the truth. When was the last time you was them?" his expression suddenly very serious.
"Hm.. Sometime last week." i mumble.
He turns on his radio, "Sansa. Look for anything in our files under the name 'Chiba'."
The radio crackles into life as a voice answers,"Yes sir."
"Don't worry kid. You have anywhere to stay tonight?" the detective asks.
"Uh.. Yeah."
"Liar. Your quirk seems a bit dangerous, so i'll be placing you under the care of an officer until i find anything about your parents." Tsukauchi mumbles as he scratches his chin. "You see.. The thing is, what you did was a federal offense-"
"Naomasa!" the door is suddenly pushed open by a small white furred creature.
"Nezu, sir? To what do i owe the pleasure? Sansa didn't give you any trouble did he?" Tsukauchi hardly showed a grimace but managed a big smile.
"Not any more than he usually does!" Nezu chirps. "Sorry about this boy, can you help me up to the table please?"
I glitch out of the cuffs again and help him up onto the table. "Um.. Here you go."
"Naomasa. Why are you interrogating a child?" The creature asks slyly.
"I accidentally committed a federal offense sir.." i confess quietly.
"But since he is a minor, and it was an accident and his first offense, he'll only have to do 3 years behind bars." Tsukauchi explained while making direct eye contact with me.
I wince, "if that's what it will take, then by all means."
"Wait! I've just has the most marvelous idea!" Nezu shouts. "This child broke the law, yes? And he needs to be taught right from wrong!"
"So? What's your point?" the detective asks with a raised eyebrow.
"This boy.. He can spend his 3 year sentence at U.A.! What better a place to teach him how to follow the path of good!" Nezu exclaims.
"Are you sure about this?" Tsukauchi asks with an amused sigh.
"He would have to participate in the entrance exam next week of course.. And i would have to have a hero keep an eye on him, but i would handle everything!" Nezu claps his paws together. "What do you say, child?"
"Um.. My name is actually Lin Chiba, sir. And its not exactly up to me.. But if that would be permitted, i would be extremely grateful." i mumble.
"Which hero do you have in mind, Nezu?" Tsukauchi asks.
"Midnight. She needs to learn some responsibly." Nezu chides cheerfully. "Onward my boy! To Midnight's house!"
...i think i would prefer 3 years in jail.

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