2. The High Priestess

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This is it. I stare up at the tall daunting door infront of me as a seed of nerves is planeted in the pit of my stomach.
I close my eyes and breathe out slow as i pull open the door. The classroom is filled with color and noise. Everyone seems to know eachother.. I stuff my hands into the pockets of my uniform and walk down to the first empty seat i see away from everyone else. The 21st seat in the very back of the room. I inconspicuously glance around the room, secretly looking for that boy Kirishima. But to no avail.
As soon as i'm about to give up, the door opens up and the red headed boy strolled in and walked over to a group of other boys.
He didn't even notice me.. Can't blame him though, i mean.. I'm just a quiet nobody.
"Chiba! Hey!" i look up to see Kirishima wave to me with a sharp-tooth grin plastered to tanned face. He waves me over and i hesitantly meander over. "Chiba, you got in!"
I rub the back of my neck with a small smile, "haha, so did you!" He wraps an arm around my shoulders in a friendly manner, and all i can think is: 'don't blush.. For the love of potato chips DO NOT BLUSH!'
"Chiba, these are some friends from middle school." Kirishima grinned again.
"Woah! Um.. Are you like a hologram or somethin'?" a blonde asks as he pokes my shoulder warily.
I raise my eyebrow, "not to my knowledge?"
"Dude, quit poking the guy!" a boy with strange elbows groans before giving me a triangular smile. "I'm Hanta Sero. The kid that was poking you is Kaminari."
"Lin Chiba." i shake his hand with a small smile. "Nice to meet you."
"Didn't Mina say she was gonna be here?" Kirishima asks Kaminari as he releases my shoulders.
Kaminari checks his phone, "oh yeah. She's gonna be here in a few minutes." the door is pushed open and a pink girl strolls in with a wild grin. Kaminari grins back at her, "speak of the devil."
"Hey guys!! Who's this?" she asks me as she dramatically throws herself at Kaminari and Kirishima.
"Hello. I'm Lin Chiba.." i say with a wary glance.
"The name is Mina Ashido, it's nice to meet ya!" She throws herself at me with a giggle.
"Please refrain from attacking me with affection.." i say with a grimace as her leg makes contact with my bad knee.
She leaps back, "sorry!"
"You're fine."
"Damn right i'm fine!" she said as she proceeded to slap her behind.
"Class is going to start soon, i'm going to go sit down." i mumble as i walk off.
I take my seat quietly. Ashido throwing herself at me like that reminded me too much of that girl from middle school. Her name was Shura, if memory serves me right. She asked me on a date, kissed me, and made me realize that i preferred guys.
"Chiba! Let's go, or we'll be left behind!" Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima walked over to ny desk. They all had blue outfits in hand.
"Go grab a uniform from Aizawa-Sensei." Sero said with that triangle grin.
I nod, "okay. Wait for me outside?"
"Sure man." Kirishima clapped my back with his large hand before leaving the classroom.
"Lin Chiba." a gruff voice sounds out from near the teachers desk.
I approach carefully, "sir?"
"I know why you're here. Consider yourself lucky that Midnight and Nezu are protecting you, or else i'd have you expelled." the man said in annoyance. "You will receive no special treatment from me, understand?" Aizawa handed me the uniform.
"Yes sir.." i mumble quietly as i glitched through the door.
"Whoa! You just like, totally walked through the door!" Kaminari explained.
I shrug, "so?"
"Dude.. You can like.. Spy on hot babes and shit with that kind of quirk!" he whispers next to my ear.
"Not a pervert." i mumble briefly as Sero leads us to the locker room.
I wish i was by any means prepaired for how physically fit most of the guys were, but i wasn't. This is no place for a kid like me. No place at all. But internally i knew i didn't mind, i was single, gay, and in a room full of guys.
I walk over to a locker in the back of the room and begin to change.
"Wow.. You look like you've never even stepped out in the sun.." a short kid pointed out. He had weird violet balls attached to his head, and was extremely undesirable. Even for me. "Anyways.. I heard that you could walk through walls. Do you think you could get some pictures of the girls hot bods for me?"
I narrow my eyes, "no. And if you ask again, i'll stick you to the floor."
"Yeah? With what?" he asks in nervous confusion.
I grab the back of his neck and make his body glitch. I stick his body halfway through the floor, his torso and up are stuck above ground, his legs lost below the concrete floor. "Here."
I finish changing while the short kid is crying and Kaminari is trying to pull him out of the floor.
"Woah.. Did you do that, Chiba?" Kirishima asks warily as he walks up behind me.
A shiver runs down my spine, but i maintain a straight face. "Yeah. He asked if i would spy on the girls or something like that for him."
He chuckles as i unglitch the floor and both violet kid, and Kaminari go flying. "Good call."
I smirk as i rub the back of my neck, "I'd like to think so."
We ended up going out to the training area Aizawa had mentioned. "Um sir.. Shouldn't we go to orientation?" some girl with brown hair asked.
"This is my class, i'll run it as i see fit." Aizawa grumbled. "This is your first official test. I will be assessing your abilities. The person who ranks last will be expelled." this sparked an outrage of comments and shocked questions from the students.
"Um.. Maybe if you all shut up, he would give us more details about the situation." i speak above the chatter, which calms down.
"Thank you. Now, Bakugo come here please." Aizawa said with a yawn. "What was your score for the softball throw in middle school?"
"Around 72 meters." the blonde boy responded tartly.
"Since this is U.A., you are permitted to use your quirk. Throw the ball again with the assistance of your quirk." Aizawa tosses a ball to Bakugo.
"Okay, watch closely you extras." Bakugo barks as he stretches his arms out before propelling the ball into the air with a large explosion, "Die!"
The class makes various noises in shock or suprise, but i glance over to Kirishima whose tanned face has  gained a pink hue. I feel my heart drop but i force myself to maintain a pokerface.

::Linger:: (Kirishima × Male! OC)Where stories live. Discover now