3. The Empress

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This wasn't at all how i had planned how my highschool career would go. I figured that i would go to a normal highschool and graduate with a halfway decent GPA and that would be the end of it. I never would've thought that i could have potential to be a hero, or end up training to become one, even though i'm here against my will. But here i am. Staring at a metal plated suitcase in fear. I suppose that i fear what lies behind those shiny metal clasps of the suitcase labeled '21'.
I take a shaky breath and open the case with a hesitance that i frequently dealt with. I pulled on the dark pants over my knee brace and fumble with many buckles around my legs. Nemuri must've altered the original design while it was being made. This was not what i ordered. Someone show me the damn manager i think in mild disgust. I pull on the dark grey shirt, which is made with bullet proof material, and then the dark overcoat before sitting down to put on the heavy black combat boots.
"Whoa.. Slow down there, edgelord!" Kaminari chuckles as he walks past me.
I roll my eyes as i pull on my fingerless gloves and follow him out, "i shall not slow down, Pikachu."
Much to my suprise, the buckles and clasps of my costume made no noise, and it allowed mt to move silently onto the top of the building where the rest of the class would be soon.
Today we have battle training in All Might's Foundational Hero Studies class. A few students, including myself, are waiting for the rest of our classmates and the teacher to arrive.
"Wow, Chiba! You look like an entirely different person!" Uraraka chirps as she walks up next to me.
"Oui! Yes, i agree! It suits you rather well, mon cher, though it could use a bit of glitter!" Aoyama said with a flourish of his sparkling cape as he blows a handful of glitter at me.
I cough out a small cloud of sparkles with narrowed eyes. "..Why are you like this?"
"Chiba? You okay man?" Kirishima asks while he awkwardly pats my back. I glance up for a brief second before hiding the bright hue that had taken up most of my face as i cough again. That was a mistake.. He has the body of a literal god. "Dude, your face is really red.. You doin' alright?" Kirishima asks again, concern in his tone.
"H-his face is red because he's coughing!" Uraraka swooped in and saved what little pride i had left. Bless this awkward little fool.
"Do you need some water, Chiba?" Kirishima asks. "I'll take you to a water fountain."
The red head leads me down the stairs to a metal drinking fountain.
"You wanna know something? Your hero costume looks nice on you." Kirishima said with a closed-mouth smile.
I nearly spit out my water but i turn to face him, "..thanks.. Um.. Your costume doesn't really leave much to the imagination."
He processes my words for a second before pouting, "aw.. I knew i should've come up with a better design.."
"No no! I-i didn't mean anything rude by it! It just.. You're showing quite a bit of skin." i mumble quickly.
He blinks his red eyes at me for a moment before grinning, "well.. I'm proud of my body! Why hide it?"
I can't come up with a response so i just shrug and gesture to the stairs. "Um.. We should probably head back."
He grins widely at me, "yeah, you're probably right, Linny!"
I wince with a groan, "Please forget you heard her call me that, man."
"I won't mention it to anyone, if you tell me why you and the art teacher seemed so close!" Kirishima remarks with a smirk.
"She's my legal guardian." i admit. I'm a horrible liar anyways, so trying to do so would be pointless.
"Oh yeah? That's pretty cool, and my lips are sealed! A real man always keeps his promises!" Kirishima chirps as he jogs back up the stairs with me in tow.
We all listen to All Might sort us into teams. Since there are an odd number of students in the class, there will be one team with 3 members. And that would be my team.. How cliché..
At least its with people i know. The obviously queer Aoyama, and Pinky. I didn't want to be on a team with Ashido. It wasn't that i didn't like her or anything, its just that... She is so loud. I prefer quiet over nearly anything else, and, upsetting enough, Mina Ashido is that everything else.
She wraps an arm over my shoulder with a giggle. "Yeah! Let's get that bread, Chiba-chan!"
I push away from her before nervously coughing into the side of my fist. "Uh.. Yeah.. Let's, uh.. Obtain this grain."
While the first pair of teams go out to fight, i managed to sneak right up next to the monitor. I rest my fingers on the side of where All Might's headset was plugged in and try to listen in. It didn't work.
I walked outside and slumped down on the bench near the wall of the hallway to calm my nerves.
"Chiba? What are you doing out here?"
I turn and see Kirishima standing there with slightly furrowed eyebrows. "You okay, man?"
I shrug and turn my head away from him. As much as i appreciate his concern, i don't need his face to cloud my thoughts right now.
He sits down next to me with a sigh, "can i ask you something?"
I hesitantly turn back to him, "sure?"
Kirishima fiddles with his thumbs, "so uh.. I have a crush on someone in our class.. How to i.. Er.. Confess to them?"
I feel my heart begin to beat faster, and instantly begin over thinking. Could he be talking about me? Or is he asking about someone else?
I scratch the side of my chin with a narrow finger. "Hmm.. Well.. Honesty is the best policy. Just tell them."
He gives me his sharp toothed grin that makes my entire being flutter. "Wow, thanks dude!" Kirishima wanders back into the room with the rest of the class.
I begin to sink through the white tiles of the floor and make myself stop so just my nose and above are below the bench.
I hear someone scream out in shock from the floor below and i quickly pull myself back up to the hallway. I just mess everything up.. Don't i?
I settle for walking down the hallway in silence. A small measure of comfort is found in the silence, but i am still a bundle of nerves.
"Chiba! We're up next!" Mina shouts as she runs after me. "You should'a seen those fights!"
I resist the urge to grimace, though i hardly managed. "So what's the plan, and where is Aoyama?"
"He's going to the restroom real quick but he'll be here!" she grabs onto my wrist and skips down the hallway.
"What team?" i ask as i glitch out of her grasp.
"Wildcats! Oh.. You meant for the activity, huh? Heroes." Ashido chirps.
"Okay.. Either we capture the villains or get to the bomb to win." i mused quietly. "Who are we up against?"
"YaoMomo and The purple gremlin." she said with a sour expression. "God, he is like, so creepy!"
"I agree entirely. Our best bet is to use strategy to win. They are probably laying out traps as we speak." i grimaced.
"Bonjour!" Aoyama calls out as we approach. "I have the ear pieces we must wear. Not very cute.."
I don the small electronic device, "okay. Test test one two. Earth to Mister Might."
"Very funny Young Chiba." All Might responds through the ear piece. "You have 30 seconds before it's time to begin."
"Alright. Aoyama, go for the bomb. Ashido, you will be our main decoy while i immobilize Yaoyorozu and Mineta." i instruct as i pop my knuckles nervously.
"You got it, Chiba-chan!" Ashido grins wildly.
Aoyama nods, "Understood, enfant de neige."
I narrow my ruby eyes at him, "did.. Did you seriously just call me 'child of snow'? Why are you like this."
"Would you rather me adress you as 'china doll'?" The blonde shrugs as he strides into the building confidently.
I wish i could share his proud attitude and demeanor, but i'm a messed up ball of nerves tied together with fine strings of anxiety before being put into a box labeled 'Self Hate and Desperation' in bold red lettering.
I clench my fists as i glitch through the thick concrete of the floor and wait for any sign of movement. This is one of the only things i like about my quirk, it allows me to feel the different signals from the air. Its like breaking down the codes of every thing i come in contact with. Finding out what makes everything tick.
I let out a low breath as i hear two steps of foot steps walk by quietly.
"We still haven't even located the bomb yet.. Man, we suck at this!" Mineta groans as he trudges after Yaoyorozu, clearly looking at her ass.
She lets out a defeated sigh, "for once, you're right.. But its bizarre that we haven't come across the heroes yet."
I move fluidly through the wall following their movements down the dimly lit corridor.
Mineta clicks his tongue as he shakily walks off, "it's so creepy in here! I feel like I'm being watched.. Imma go find the bomb.."
Yaoyorozu sighs inwardly, "well.. I'm thankful that he isn't bothering me anymore.."
Suddenly, the floor around me begins to shake. If i was standing on the surface, i wouldn't have even noticed. But when i am part of the thick concrete ground, its shaking like a small never ceasing earthquake.
My vision goes white as i and violently pulled from the floor by my hair. The ground crumbles beneath Yaoyorozu and i, and i become trapped beneath the rubble.
I begin to glitch through the thick ragged slabs of concrete in order to escape, but that feat is next to impossible. Once again, i heard a sharp snap in my already damaged knee. I sharply wince as i finally feel like giving up.
"Chiba! Are you alright? What was that épouvantable sound?!" A small voice sounds out from the ear piece and it takes a moment to comprehend who it is.
"A..Aoyama.. Just find the bomb." i say through clenched teeth. "O..or better yet find Ashido and get to the exit. I'll handle the rest."
"..sans doute.." he begrudgingly agrees to my request.
I pull my self up and out of the rubble before sticking a small square of capture tape onto Yaoyorozu's forhead as she began to recover from the fall luckily she was hardly hurt, a few scrapes here and there, and a bit shaken, but otherwise perfectly fine. "Chiba..? Are you okay?"
"Worry about yourself." I shrug as i turn and glitch through the wall. I stumble into the next hallway and land on top of Mineta who yelps in shock. Before he can activate his quirk, i stick a thick strip of tape over his mouth.
"Heroes win." i announced gruffly into the ear piece.
"H..Heroes win!" All Might shouts back.
I hobble down the hallway towards the door, nearly dragging my injured leg across the ground leaving a small trail in the thin coat of dust upon the floor.

I ended up making my way back up to Recovery Girl's office, and she healed up my knee again.
"Seriously, Lin. Stop being so rough on that joint!" She scolds me as she helps me to a cot. "Nemuri is going to be so annoyed with this.." Recovery girl grumbles as she walks off to her private office.
"I know.. Sorry, Chiyo.." i grumble softly as i massage my damaged leg.
"I swear child.. It's like when ever i warn you it goes in one ear and out the other!" She groans as she walks back out to my cot. "Please be quieter, we do have another patient in here."
I slowly nod and lower my voice to just above a whisper, "so what's the damage?"
She checks her clipboard before narrowing her eyes at me, "broken knee, cracked rib and a dislocated wrist." the elderly woman clicks her tongue in disappointment as she softly brushes aside my ivory hair to kiss my forehead. "Be more careful dear.. And get some rest.."
I smile softly at her as my eyes slowly close, and her caring face is the last thing i see before i am swept away by sleep.

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