4. The Emperor

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I wake up and go through my morning routine. Wake up. Knee brace. Bathroom. Brush teeth. Shower. Get dressed. Bail.
I would be a liar if i said i wasn't taking my time. I really didn't want to go to school today. Its literally the third day of school, and that sense of existential dread has already latched onto me like a leech. To think that i would rather prefer being behind bars..
"Linny, dear. Are you awake yet?" Nemuri's voice sounds out as she lightly knocks on my door.
I let out a quiet sigh, "Yeah. I'm up."
"Are you decent?"
"Morally? No. But I'm wearing pants if that's what you mean." i mumble.
The door opens and she walks in with a small box in her hands. "Good! Normally, i wouldn't really care, but as you're technically my kid-"
"Don't make it weird." i groan as i hold my pillow over my head.
"Right! Sorry! Anyways.. I got us something." Nemuri said with a grin. "As i said before, you are technically my kid, and i want to be able to support you in any way possible." she held the box out to me and opened it to reveal two black bracelets. The clasps have a small rainbow pattern on them.

"I didn't know if you were out of the closet or anything like that yet, so i tried to make it subtle

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"I didn't know if you were out of the closet or anything like that yet, so i tried to make it subtle." she states with a small shrug before sliding one of the bracelets over my hand.
I pull her into a tight hug, this is by far the best thing anyone has ever gotten me.. "I love it! Thanks Nemuri!"
She chuckles and runs a hand through my hair, "no problem kiddo. Let's get going."

School went per usual until Aizawa said that we should have a class president, after that the class became utter chaos. So long peaceful classroom experience, and hello painful screaming from Bakugo. I slam my face down onto my desk and cover my ears. "God... Please shut them up.." i mumble under my breath.
"Oi! Shut up!" Satou shouts out and shuts the class up almost immediately. He shoots me a thumbs up, "i got you Fam."
"Thanks dude." i grumble as i rest my face against the desk again.
After another 15 minutes, the results were tallied up and the class president is Midoriya, while the vice president is Yaoyorozu.
Then came lunch. I couldn't help but feel like something bad was going to happen.. But i brushed it off as just a minor concern.
I walked towards the cafeteria, trailing behind Kirishima, Bakugo, Kaminari, and Sero. They were engaged in a friendly conversation with the acception of Bakugo who looked and sounded annoyed while Kirishima looked at the blond like he was his everything. I clench my teeth and look at the tiles we walked on. What i wouldn't give to have Kirishima look at me like that.. But that will never happen..
Suddenly, a loud ear piercing alarm rings out throughout the entire school. The security alarm. Someone broke into the school.. A sea of students push us apart and i harshly hiss out from clenched teeth as someone brutally kicks my bad knee. Always my knee! "You could have kicked anything else, but you just had to hit that damned joint didn't you?!" i curse no one in particular.
I slump up against a locked door to catch my breath when i spot a flash of crimson in the crowd. As i spot him trip, i dive and grab him, pulling him out of the way and glitching us into the locked room.
"Woah.. Chiba? Where are we?" he asks as he pulls himself up and brushes off his pants. "Thanks for that by the way!"
I rest my head against the floor and let out a shaky sigh. "..d..don't mention it." i try to focus on anything and everything except for the searing pain in my leg. I never will be able to heal if this shit keeps happening..
"Dude, what do you think is happening out there? And a more important question is.. Where are we?" Kirishima asks.
"Hell.. I don't know man.. To either of those questions." i rolled my eyes as i pulled myself up and attempted to stand as normal as possible. "All i know is that the noise stopped.. And it should be okay to leave."
"Yeah.. Yeah okay, dude bro." he said as he cautiously opens up the door. "Oh.. Will you look at that! It's okay, dude!"
I bite my tongue and follow the red head out into the hallway. Small clusters of students are quietly chatting while others looks shaken to the core.
"I gotta go see if Bakugo and the others are okay! Later Chiba!" Kirishima shouts over his shoulder as he runs down the hall.
"Yeah sure... Later dude.." i grumble as i limp down the hallway the opposite direction.
Bullshit.. I just saved his life and all he can think about is that blond jerk?! You've got to be fucking kidding me. Is it because I'm too quiet? Maybe its because I'm weak, or a loser?
I turn to face the blue haired third year. "Nejire? What's up?"
"Your cousin actually just sent me to find you! He was all like 'he better be okay!' so i came to find you!" she babbles in a friendly manner.
I chuckle, "well.. You found me! Tell him i'm okay.."
She ruffles my hair fondly before skipping back down the hallway. "Will do! Bye bye Linny!!"
I roll my eyes with a grimace, being that positive all the time should be illegal..
"Bonjour Chiba-san!" Aoyama waves at me as i walk into the next to deserted classroom. "You look shaken, what's wrong?"
I hesitantly release my calm facade and force myself not to cry. "I.. Uh... I.. Goddamn it.." i wipe my face with my sleeve.
"Oh my dear garçon d'hiver.. Come here.." he walks up to me and gives me a tight hug. "You don't have to tell me what's wrong if you don't want to.. Just know that you can talk to me.."
I hug him back tightly, "....i know.. Thank you Aoyama.."
"You can call me Yuga.. We are friends after all.." he murmurs to me.
The thing about Aoyama is that he isn't as self absorbed as he seems.. And i think that caught me off guard.. "..okay... Yuga."
He pulls away and grins at me before walking back to his desk.
I walk back to my desk and vow to wait until i get home before crying like a bitch again. Once again class starts up again, and it's just as annoying as it was before lunch.. I can't wait until school's over...

::Linger:: (Kirishima × Male! OC)Where stories live. Discover now