Chapter Nine

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Ken P.O.V.
I woke up the next morning to a blinding light I opened my eyes to find that Winter and I are still out in the forest on the bed. I noticed a few guards in the distance on I looked down to see a still sleeping Winter. It gave me a chance to see her beautiful face I looked down to her neck to notice the mark I left which made me very proud.

"Morning" I heard a weak voice I looked down to see Winter weakly open her eyes "baby are you okay?" I asked pulling her closer to me. "I don't feel good I might go back to sleep" she whispered. I began to get nervise "baby can you try and make it to the pack house?" I asked worried.

"No" she whispered before she fell back asleep. I began to panic I mind linked the pack doctor telling him that something is wrong with his Luna with my mate. He told me that he's on his way I looked down at my pale mate and pulled her closer to me feeling how cold she's starting to get.

"I'm here" the pack doctor shouted as he came in the clearing along with Bashar Abe, Abree, and Keira. "What's wrong?" Bashar asked as I got out of bed and walked over to him as I watched the doctor looking over Winter. "I marked her last night and this morning she told me that she was feeling weak then fell back asleep" I explained scared.

"Alpha" I heard a scared voice I looked up to see the Doctor with a scared look I looked at Bashar then walked over to the Doc "what's wrong?" I asked scared to hear the answer "I'm sorry Alpha but... the Luna is dead" she answered. My world crashed down my Luna my Queen my mate she's dead.

I felt a pain in my heart I fell down holding the place my heart is. I heard voices but couldn't make out what they were saying before I blacked out.

Abree P.O.V.

It has been a few hours since Winter was declared dead and since Ken passed out. Abe and I have been a total mess along with the rest of the pack while Keira isn't even phased. I know she didn't like Winter but I didn't think it was this bad. "Doc is Ken awake?" Abe asked as the Doctor walked into the living room where the rest of the pack is she nodded and right on cue Ken walked in.

The man looks a mess even though it has been a few hours his eyes and bloodshot from crying than his hair is everywhere. Poor man "Most of you heard but if you haven't your Luna has passed away this morning." Ken said in a strong voice trying to be strong for his pack but you could tell how hurt he truly is. Then he left as fast as he came, poor guy.

Ken P.O.V.

It has been a week since Winter has passed away I won't knowledge the fact that she's gone. Every night I would fall asleep hoping wishing dreaming that this is nothing but a sick nightmare. But when I open my eyes the next day she's not there she's not in my arms.

"Ken?" I heard a voice I looked away from the window to see Bashar entering the room. I sat down on my bed and Bashar sat down next to me "you know that this isn't your fault right?" he asked "she wanted you to mark her and you gave her what she wanted" Bashar added. I sighed I wish she's in my arms right now" I whimpered. "Come down everyone misses you," Bashar said I nodded. "I'll be right down let me take a shower first," I said Bashar nodded and left.

Winter P.O.V.

I hate that he thinks it's his fault that I died well I didn't really die I'm still alive just in a coma. I met the Moon Goddess and she explained to me that Ken has a second mate. If he chooses his second mate then I do die and if he chooses me then I'll live as a werewolf with my mate. All I want from this is for Ken to be happy and I'll be in his heart no matter he does.

I sit down on the bed as I wait for ken to be done in the shower. If he picks his second chance mate then this would be the last time I see my handsome man. I looked around the room smiling that he doesn't just have my things but also pictures of us.

"Ken?" a voice asked I looked over at the door to find Abree walking in. "Ken?" she asked walking more into the room. She looked around until she spotted a photo frame. She walked over to it and picked the frame up. I walked up behind her and smiled at the photo Bashar took it when Ken and I weren't .

I took a step back and sat on ken's side of the bed his scent filled my nose and I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "Abree what are you doing here?" Ken asked.

I turned to face him and smirked man that body. Abree put down the photo frame and turned to face Ken "Bashar told me to come here to get you" she said. She turned around to face ken when she looked up Ken's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head. "No" he growled I looked at him then to Abree shocked wait she's his second chance mate? He sure likes humans I thought to myself.

"What?" Abree asked confused "you can't be my second chance mate Winter hasn't been gone for longer than a week and I'm already being tossed a new mate." Ken growled I looked over at Abree and I could tell something took over. "Let me take care of you Ken I could be a better mate than Winter." Abree purred I growled no one will be a better mate to Ken then I will be.

"No" Ken growled Abree took a few steps closer and ran her hands up and down his bare chest which earned a growl from me. Ken is still my mate until he accepts Abree which is his second chance mate. "Accept me Ken let me be your mate your Luna your Queen," Abree whispered Ken pushed her away. "I Kenrich Zorine Hagans reject Abree Kara Camillo as my mate." I started to lose my sight "what's going on?" I asked everything started to lose color before I blacked out.

Ken P.O.V.

After I rejected Abree she left not a word was spoken weird. I walked into the walk-in closet to change. As I was changing Bashar mind linked me telling me that I need to go to Winter's hospital room. I rushed out of my room and made my way to Winter's hospital room. Before I knew it I was in front of her door. I took a deep breath and walked into the room. Bashar, Abe, Abree, Thad and the doctor are all in the room. "What's going on?" I asked everyone stopped talking and turned to me.

"Alpha I think you would like to see this," the doctor said I nodded and walked over to the all. I looked at Winter to see her up and smiling. "Winter?" I asked shocked she giggled and nodded "but.. but what?" I asked shocked "come here and I'll explain", she told me I nodded my head and made my way over to her. I sat down on the bed next to Winter and wrapped my arms around her pulling her close to me not wanting to leave.

As I was holding her she explained to me how she turned into her wolf. But the Moon Goddess told her that I'll pretty much have to pick between her and my second chance mate. That if I picked Abree then Winter would die and If I picked Winter well here we are.

"Alpha I'm sorry but Winter needs her rest. You can come back when she's awake" the Doctor said I growled at her not wanting to let go of Winter. "It's alright I'll see you later I'm tired anyways," Winter whispered I looked at her not wanting to let go but I know she needs to sleep. I kissed her before I left her I miss her kisses. I entered my office thinking I'll do some work as Winter is sleeping.

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