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"Wake up (Y/N)."

You instantly woke up after someone shook you while you slept. Your vision was still blurry because you just woke up and someone decided to leave the door open with the hallway light on.

You- "ugh, who are you? And what time is it?"

"That's not important right now, I came because I need a favor."

You- "so you come into my room in the middle of the night for a stupid favor? No thank you."

You lie back down and pull the covers over your head to block out the annoying light coming from the hall.

"I don't have time for your immaturity (Y/n).."

You- "then get out of my room and let me sleep..."

Next thing you know your sheets were pulled from your bed and you sit up very annoyed while rubbing your eyes.

You- "Geez!! What the hell is your probl-"

You were cut off when the mysterious person swiftly injected you with something in your arm.

You- "OW!! what the hell was that for?!"

"It'll help you calm down."

You- "but I am-!.......Calm."

You felt your body go numb and your head sort of felt heavy but you still managed to keep your body up right.

"Now that you are calm...I need you to listen to me my dear (y/n)."

You- "fine....what do you want?"

"This is a very important task and I entrust no one to keep it safe besides you."

You looked to the side and the person showed you a vile and you tried to squint to get a better view but your vision was still hazy.

You- ".....what is it?"

"Its the cure to save humanity."

Your eyes shot up at hearing those familiar words. You only knew one person in this damn world that plans on saving people from a virus attack.

You- "...F....Father?....Is that you? What are you doing here? What if people find out about us?"

"I have no time to explain more to you, I need you to keep this safe for me."

You- "B-but father...who is after this?.....Your antidote can help save millions from the evil viruses that this world tries to unleash...."

"I'm afraid that is the problem, my dear (y/n), if it falls into the wrong hands then it will be destroyed."

You- "but...I don't understand...what do I do with it?"

"Just make sure no one gets their hands on it."

You- "but father...I'm starting to feel can I keep it safe...if who ever is after it will find it in an instant the moment I pass out?...."

"You make a valid point my dear."

You suddenly saw him pull out a syringe and he inserted the needle inside the vile and extracted the liquid from inside.

You- "Father what are you doing?"

"I'm going to inject you with it."

You- "but.....why me?

"Because I don't have alot of time and you are the only person in this world that I trust."

You- "can I at least think about it?"

"I'm sorry to leave you with such a big responsibility, but I have no other choice."

You- "father..."

You didn't even fight him, you just watched hazily as he injected you with it and you felt your eyes getting heavier with the previous injection you've gotten.

"Don't worry my dear (y/n), I know you will keep this safe for me..."

You- "I hate you for this...."

You suddenly found yourself lying back down and felt sleep overtake you. Before you blacked out, you felt him kiss your forehead and left the room, closing the door behind him.

You- "dammit dad..."

You wanted to reach over to grab your blanket from the floor but you blacked out before you could even reach it.

((A/N: Hello and Happy New Year Everyone, I decided to make a new story with the one and only Albert Wesker, I have a love/hate relationship with this guy but you can't NOT admit that he is one of the most perfect villains ever made. These chapters will probably be shorter than in my previous stories but I'll try my best to update these plus the others, I hope you enjoy this because I'm really trying people!! 😂😁))

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