Chapter 3

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Once I left the Gathering Room, I made my way into the weaponry to get the weapons I needed for the mission. I punch in the code to open the secret door and the door closes the moment I entered the room.  

I remembered the first time I entered the weaponry, it was like a museum. There were a bunch of weapons that I have either never seen or have never used. If it were me back when I had started my training I would've been all over these guns but now I only prefer to use my mains.

I only got one pistol, one shotgun and a knife. My favorite pistol has always been the 9mm Handgun. Its not very strong compared to the others but its great for headshots, which I enjoyed doing. As for shotguns, I've always loved the 12-Gauge Pump-Action Shotgun. Its not like the others but it does some great damage, even at a far distance.  

I tried not to carry too much on me so I don't get held back by all that extra weight. I only grab the ones that are mostly needed when facing either infected people, animals or other agents. We needed to keep a low profile so I doubt I would need a rifle. 

But if I were to pick a rifle it would most definitely be the .223 Caliber Bolt Action Rifle. Its not the most modern looking gun or the fastest but man can this thing do some major damage, plus you cant go wrong with classic guns.

I started remembering the first time I started using guns. I was so scared to even pull the trigger that I actually put the gun down before I could even shoot it. But one day I just decided to  gather up some courage to finally pick up the damn gun and pull the trigger without second guessing it. 

After I finally pulled the trigger I felt a sudden shock. Not like a scared kind of shock, more like an "I DID IT" shock. After finally being able to pull the trigger I had to work on my aim. It was hard the first few times because I couldn't stop shaking but I got it eventually.

I tried to improve my shooting as quickly as possible because when people hear gun shots in quiet and hidden places, they send out a search party in order to find where it came from. I was keeping a low profile to stay anonymous so I would always have to relocate. 

Its that reason that I started carrying little things on me so moving would be easier and faster. I guess that habit has always stuck with me ever since my runaway days but I was glad that I was able to only carry what I needed. I don't know how I would've turned out if I became like one of those people who can't leave without carrying everything they possess.

After getting everything I needed, I go and make my way up to the roof. I look at my watch and saw that I have about 5-6 minutes to get to the roof before the Chopper takes off. The roof is still a pretty far distance from where I am but when I reached the elevator door, it opened almost immediately the moment I pushed the button.

"ehh..I can make it."



I stepped out of the elevator the moment the doors opened to the top floor. I make my way down the hall until I reached a door at the end. The door is also locked and can only be opened by a code that only the agents working in the facility know. Once I punch in the code, the door unlocks and I step out to the roof to see that the other team members are already waiting by the Chopper.

Clyde- "....."

You- "Sup."

Frank- "Took you long enough!"

You- "Wesker said 20 minutes."

Tilly- "Wesker expects us to be professional! Don't mess this up for us!"

You- "mhm.."

Nina- ""

You- "what?"

Nina- "All that extra time you had and you're STILL wearing your pajamas."

You- "Hmm...All this time being outside and you're still deprived of oxygen."

Nina was about to walk up to me but then Mark stepped in and placed his hand on her shoulder.

Mark- "Stop it you two, we already need to be in the Chopper in the next 2 minutes..lets just get on before Wesker starts asking questions."

Nina then shook Mark's hand off of her shoulder and she angrily made her way to the Chopper, the rest of us following suit.

No one said anything after that, we all just got in and strapped ourselves onto the seats and then the Chopper took off.

I just kept my gaze towards the view the entire time. I didn't want to look around to see the others glancing at me. I know Nina is glaring at me because she literally has nothing else to do. 

I honestly don't hate my team, I just hate Nina and Tilly. Nina doesn't mind her own business and its annoying having to put up with her constant criticism. And Tilly, ugh, dare I state the obvious? She obviously wants Wesker to notice her and it gets pretty annoying. 

In a matter of minutes we fly over the ocean and I start to feel sleepy. I literally woke up alittle over 3 hours ago and even though I slept for 3 hours more, I still felt tired. 

Maybe I should just take a short nap until we reach our destination. Normally the pilot would announce when we have arrived so I think I can squeeze in a few minutes of shut eye. 

I adjusted myself so I would rest my head against the side of the Chopper so my head wouldn't sway back and forth. Once I got comfortable I closed my eyes and waited for the pilot to announce our arrival.

*Beep Beep Beep*

 Not even a second later and my watch starts beeping. I bring my wrist up to see a message by the devil.

The pilot won't announce your arrival, so I suggest you keep your eyes open Dear Heart.

I hope Wesker can see my face through this damn watch because I'm just glaring at it.

Damn you Whiskers... 

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