Chapter 19

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((A/N- I'm sorry that I delayed this story, I kept rewriting it a few times and it got to a point that I was a week late on it. But overall, here is the final chapter, thank you all for taking the time to read this and for being patient on it, it truly means a lot to me.))

You woke up and only one thing came to mind when you tried to move.


And lots of it.

You thought to yourself, 'Did Whiskers keep going while I slept?'

'Or was I already sore but didn't realize it because I didn't experience it?'

Either way, you knew you'd be sore the moment Wesker had your body.

You were finally able to sit up and you noticed something.

You were no longer on the lab table.

Better yet, you weren't even in the lab room anymore.

But you were on a bed.

And not just any bed.

But Wesker's.

And for some reason it put a big smile on your face.

You always liked his bed.

It was big and comfortable, mostly because he would almost never sleep in it.

Usually he would only sleep on it if you were in it.

Or if he is tired.

And not tired because its late.

But like REALLY tired.

You flinched when you heard an electronic lock being disabled that you grabbed the bed sheets and lifted them up to cover your exposed chest.

Wesker then entered the room and activated the locks once the door closed.

Wesker- "You don't need to do that Dear Heart."

You- "Can't be too careful Albert.."

Wesker then smirked a bit and approached you with 2 mugs at hand.

Wesker- "Here, I know how much you love your coffee."

You couldn't help but dance in your spot as you took the cup from Wesker, careful not to spill anything on the bed.

You took that first sip and you felt your heart melt.

You- "You always knew how I liked it."

Wesker- "Sure.."

He sat down on the edge and drank from his mug too.

You looked at him and noticed he was already ready for the day.

You kind of wondered how long you were out for.

You- "What time is it?"

Wesker- "7:45."

You- "PM?"

You heard him chuckle a bit.

Wesker- "No."

You- "AM?! So why are we already up??"

Wesker- "It was early afternoon when we 'caught up' my dear."

You- "It was?? I thought it was late?"

Wesker- "I suppose lack of windows does make time go by quicker."

You- "So why are you all ready?"

Wesker didn't say anything, just sipped his coffee more.

You- "Oh....I see."

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