Chapter 17 (🍋)

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((A/N: So my plan for last week didn't go as planned, I got off work super late and I still had a lot of packing to do and I ended up putting the story off to the side. And I've missed my bed dearly  when I got back and I've missed it even more once I got back to my gym routine after not going for a week, baaahh!! But I'm back and ready for some Sexy Wesky ;) Also to make up for my absence I'll make this lemon a two parter so,  ENJOY!!)) 

Wesker suddenly brought his hands down to my behind so he could lift me up by the back of my thighs.

You- "Albert, not here!!"

Wesker- "Hush my dear...You are only stalling my hunger."

You- "But what if someone comes in?!"

Wesker- "Then lets make this quick."

Wesker then walked us over to the lab table to have me sit on it while he leaned down to roughly kiss my neck.

He was on my neck like he already knew where my sensitive spot is.

You- "Oh...A-Albert.."

As if he enjoyed his name leave my lips, he sucked harder.

You- "Ow!! That hurts!.."

Wesker- "You'll live."

You- "It still hurts you Basta-AH!!.."

Wesker went back to attack my neck while his hands went to my bra, tearing it off of my chest.

I quickly covered myself when I felt the cold air hit my sensitive buds.

You- "This isn't're still fully dressed.."

Wesker- "I said lets make this quick."

You- "Yeah but still..."

Wesker then gently pushed me so I'd lie on my back and I watched as he slowly hovered over me.

Wesker- "As much I wanted to make this last, I am still a very busy man."

You- "I know, I just...I want something to remember you by while I'm gone.."

Wesker hummed before he leaned down to captured my lips in a heated kiss.

The kiss wasn't as dominant and hungry as it was before, but it was deep and...passionate?

I slowly brought my hands up to run my fingers through his hair.

I smiled into the kiss when I heard him hum.

I guessed he must've felt me smile because he suddenly pulled back.

Wesker- "What's that smile for?"

I couldn't help but giggle.

You- "Its always like it when my fingers dig into your hair...I just  wondered how much longer before I get to hear you pur, Whisk-"

Before I could finish, Wesker suddenly grabbed my neck with one hand.

He wasn't pushing down hard enough to choke me but I could tell he wasn't happy.

Wesker- "I told you not to ever call me that."

I gulped and gently grasped his wrist.

You- "I know...I guess I just wanted to know if you'd hurt me."

Wesker- "And why would I do that?"

You- "I dont seem like the type."

Wesker- "What type?"

I suddenly ran my fingers up to his arm.

You- "The choking type."

Wesker- "If I wanted to choke you...I would've done so already."

The Cure For Humanity (Albert Wesker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now