Breakfast might be the most important meal of the day, but if you're eating the wrong foods, you could be sabotaging your entire day. If you're consistently finding yourself tired mid-day, even after a morning cup of coffee (or three), hungry way before lunchtime (11 is an appropriate time to have lunch, right?), or eating way more than you normally do, it may be because you're choosing the wrong meal to start the day. Here's what you should avoid.
1- Breakfast cereals
Many people think that breakfast cereals are nutritious for children and adults and believe they are a good source of vitamins and iron but one study found that children who consume breakfast cereals to improve immune function end up in chronic disease.
2- Pies
One of the most popular foods but may harm the health in the morning, as they contain flour, eggs, sugar and milk are cooked differently, although they contain more protein than other varieties, but it may harm health and lead to obesity.
3- Meals that contain high percentage of fat
Some believe that they contain fats and sugars to feed the body, but harmful, because the high carbohydrate and low fiber, which works on the high level of sugar in the blood and it leads to weight gain and heart disease.
4- Cakes
Do not prefer to eat in the morning, as they contain flour and oils and eggs and sugar, which leads to overweight and obesity.
5- fruit juices
One of the worst choices in breakfast, as they contain sugars that work on high blood sugar level and increases the risk of obesity and metabolic syndrome.
6- Pastry
one of the worst habits followed by some at breakfast, as they contain a high proportion of sugars and carbohydrates and a small proportion of proteins and lead to obesity.
7- Ice cream cakes
Is a high-calorie meal and lead to weight gain.
8- Local yogurt
Which contains a high sugar and fat to make you feel full and overweight.
9- Granola
Contains a large proportion of sugar, which adversely affect the levels of sugar in the blood and insulin, and it lacks protein and fiber.
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