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You might want to rethink that late night order for pizza for a lot of reasons. That cheesy topping might give you nightmares, according to a recent study, and the acidic tomato sauce can lead to tummy aches and 2 a.m. trips to the bathroom. Plus, pizza is really more than a bedtime snack; eating a second dinner adds a lot of extra calories that you probably don't need.
2- Soda
Between the bubbles and the possible caffeine, soda is a no before bedtime. And if it's regular - not diet - soda, it's chock-full of sugar, which is super-stimulating. Sugar is also linked to shallower, less restful sleep.
3- Spicy Foods
Spicy foods do more than stimulate your taste buds they also can irritate your stomach (particularly problematic if you're prone to heartburn), which can make it harder to fall asleep or stay asleep.