Chapter 2:Problems...

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"Be-B-Because I'm a Little"

Yoongi's POV

"AWWWE SO CUTE!!!!" Me,Jhope and Jin both yelled at the top of our lungs. Jimin was staring at us with wide eyes. "W-wait you guy accept-" "No not all of us!" Taehyung said.

"Why?" Namjoon said. "Because it's not right, he is 19 years old almost 20. He needs to act his age!" Jungkook yelled out. Oh you don't know how much I want to run over there faces!

"Ch-" "No! There right I should act my age...I'm sorry I told you." and with that jimin left to his room crying. "You two come with me" Namjoon said as he pulled them to his room. Me,Jhope and Jin go to Jimins room where we hear him sobbing his heart out "Baby can you come out?" We hear the door unlock with 'click'.

"Baby J? You can come out."(Jhope)

"A-are they here?"(Jimin)

"No Bug but can you come out for us?"(Me/Yoongi)

Jimin starts to come out from under his blanket. "Are you okay baby J?" Jhope asked.

"I wanna go into little space..."

"Then go in to little space bug"

And with that jimin went into little/baby space.
As Jimin went into Little space I see from the corner of my eye I see jin Smile but with sad eyes.

"Hey Jin can you come with me please?" I ask as calmly as possible "Uh...Sure, be right back baby J." Jimin just look at him with big doe eyes.

Outside Jimins Room



Jins POV

"Jin are you a little two?"

"W-wha n-no why would you re-think that?"

"Jin your lieing! You are a lil-"

"SHUT UP!!! Namjoon doesn't know!"

"Tell him pls?!"

                           No one POV

Back in jimins room

"Hey- Awe" J-hope had a small baby jimin in a onesie and asleep "We should go to the living room" we all nod and walk down stairs to see a tear stained Jungkook and a beat faced Taehyung. "So what happened Joonie?" Jin asked, "Ask the dumb fucks" Namjoon said only to get himself a hit on the head from his boyfriend telling him jimin is in his headspace. Jungkook started tearing up again while Taehyung started talking, "So where do I start Namjoon?" "Start from saying your both fudgeing Littles!!" All of us looked at jungkook and Taehyung. "Babe's why didn't you tell me, and yell at jimin?" Hoseok asked calmly and handed me a sleeping jimin. "Because we wanted to be the first to come out as a little" jungkook said as he stopped crying.

"Well how bout you two go get your little stuff then some papers and markers so we can make some rules" Hoseok asked and both of his boyfriends nodded and ran to there room. "Hey Jin~" Jin looked at me with a questioning look, "Don' you have something Important to tell Namjoon?" Jin widen his eyes then look at his boyfriend.

"I- um I'm a-a little..." he shut his eyes in fear but got a hug from his boyfriend sending him in to little space. "Hey Jinnie you want a Daddy?" A small nod came from Jin. "Daddy Daddy!!" Both other littles came running and yelling, waking up jimin makeing him a fussy baby.

Today was a great day for the BTS Household.

Look what I made!

Look what I made!

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(Yoongi is holding the other pacifier for jimin)

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(Yoongi is holding the other pacifier for jimin)

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