Chapter 7:Babysitter Namjoon(😶)

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Namjoon's POV

In the morning I was awoken by a knock on the door. I look at the time and its 7:00 am, okay good timing. I get out of bed and open the door to see Yoongi holding sleeping jimin "Can you watch jimin for me please? I have a doctor's appointment." Yoongi asked. "Sure I can watch him" I said, it shouldn't be to hard. I mean Jimins never really cried, other then being tired or when he got hurt so I'm not really worried. "Thanks Joon." Yoongi said and walked to leave the dorm.

I lay him down on my bed to continue sleeping. I start getting ready for the day. After I got ready I went to Yoongi's room and got jimin clothes, a dipper and his calico cat plushie.

As I'm walking back to my room I'm met with Hoseok a half asleep Taehyung and a sleeping Jungkook. "Hey Namjoon? Can you watch them please? I've gotta meeting with the Dance instructor." Hoseok asked. Oh shit. "Yeah sure" I just smile and take jungkook into my arms and hold my hand out for Taehyung to hold. "Thanks Namjoon!" Hoseok yelled running out the door. Well I'm fucked...I have to watch 4 littles! Yes I just said 4 LITTLES!! Well maybe I can get Jin to help me take care of jimin. Jin loves baby jimin. And help Jin when really needed. YES!!

I walk back to see jimin looking at Jin with big eyes while Jin playing peek-a-boo. "Oh Hi Daddy. Why is Minnie here?" Jin asked while moving jimin to his lap. "His Daddy had a appointment. So Daddy is taking care of him today." I said. I looked at jungkook who was slowly waking. "Jinnie, Tae Tae you wanna help me?" I asked looking at both of they "Yeah Nam Nam!" "Okay!" Both Taehyung and Jin said. "Can you help me take care of Minnie and Kookie?" I asked.

They both thought for a moment then nodded. "Okay. Let's go have breakfast." I said about to pick jimin when Jin stopped me. "Wanna carry Minnie" jin said, I just smiled and let him while I grabbed jungkook and Taehyung's hands.

In the dinning room

Jin's POV

"Minnie! Lookie! I have Reese!" I said showing him the brown bunny plush. Daddy told me to keep him dis-tra-cted. So as daddy was making food for us I had gone and got Reese. Once minnie saw Resse he made grabby hands at it. I gave it to him and as soon as he got it he put his mouth on the ear of it. "Nam Nam! Should Minnie be bittin' on his stuffy?!" Jungkook asked my Daddy. After a few seconds Daddy came out and removed Reese from Jiminies mouth "Now you can't eat that Minnie. But you can bit on this." Daddy said giving Minnie a teething toy.

Minnie looked happy at the toy. "Breakfast will be ready soon boys so here are plates(plastic). And a bowl for baby Minnie." Daddy said so I sat a crossed from Minnie.

Namjoon's POV

For once I didn't burn the pancakes!!! YES! Put them on a plate and take them to the dining table. Then I grab Jimins bowl and go back to the kitchen giving jimin a little bit of cut fruit, cut up pancake and a warm bottle of milk.

"Here you go Minnie sweets." I said putting the plate of pancake on his tray I grab a pancake and put it on my plate then go to feed jimin grabbing a piece then eating my own. That went on til I finished my food and feed him the fruit.

Time- 9:15

In the living room

Still Namjoon's POV

A few hours after breakfast 3 of 4 boys were playing. Jimin was in my lap watching storks while I was reading but looking at the boys every 5 pages.

Time- 1:20

Okay Nap time Namjoon. "Jinnie hun? Its naptime." I said Jin looked at me for a second then got up and took jimin and went to yoongi's room to get jimin ready I guess. "Let's go Jungkookie and Taehyungie." I said. "Okay Nam Nam." Taehyung said getting up "Oki." Jungkook said in a sad tone "You can play more when you wake up Kookie. Cause them you can be re charged and ready to play again! Okay Bud?" I said Jungkook looked happy. He got up and walk to his room with Taehyung flowing. "Need any help boys?" I said but go a 'No' in return. So I went to check on Jin and Jimin. And Jimin was already asleep while Jin was getting ready.

"Thank you for the help Baby." I said to Jin "Your welcome Daddy" Jin said getting into bed and hugged jimin close.

Then went to Jungkook and Taehyung. "You two good?" I asked looking at both boys, both nod before laying down and hugging eachother.

I went back to the living room and layed on the couch to read but ended up falling asleep.

Time- 3:01

3rd person

Once the two members came home they were met with jimin laying on Jin and Jungkook and Taehyung sleeping next to Jin and Jimin. "Cute" they both whispered. Yoongi picked Jimin up carefully to get him from being on top of Jin. And put jimin down for a second to pick jin up and lay him on Namjoon. Picking Jimin back up and going to their room. Hoseok doing the same with Taehyung and Jungkook.


Updating Monster School and Gang War soon. Had alot of dance stuff to do.

948 words

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