Chapter 4:Days...

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Yoongi's POV

"BOYS UP A AT EM'" yells our manner causing everyone to groan. I woke Jimin up, ignoring his whines "Hey Baby,Your gotta be in big space okay?" I asked in a soft tone he whined but got up and got changed into light blue shirt and black sweats.


"Ah Jimin your here I need J-Hope Jungkook and Jimin at the dance studio now. We have a new dance and it's a trio so I need you 3" he said and look at the 3 "Yes sir" Jimin J-Hope and Jungkook went to get there bags and left. "Daddy..." as soon as that came out Jin came out of little space a pick Taehyung up "Hey Tae Tae you wanna go play and wait for you Daddy and Brother?" Taehyung nodded his head and looked at me "Can Tae Tae play with Minnie when he ge' back? Pwes?" "Of course Tae Tae"

(Heres the song there doing)

4 hours pass

Still Yoongi

Jin just put Taehyung down for a nap and I'm starting to get worried they were only suppose to to be gone 2 hours it's been almost been 4 or 5 hours. "That's it I'm calling Jimin!" I said and went to get his phone calling jimin in the process.


"Hey Baby, are you coming home soon?"

"Umm,He said in a few more hours
Will be home by 12 pm promise!
I gotta Bye Yoonie!"

"So what he say?" Jin asked "Bye 12 pm.." I said sounding sad, I was really sad I wanted to take care of him the whole day.

12 PM

Me and Namjoon stayed awake while namjoon had Jin in his lap sleeping while I had Taehyung in my lap sleeping every once and a while he would wake up asking about Hoseok and My answer was always the same 'He'll be here soon promise' and then he would go back to sleep.

2 am

Namjoon fell asleep and I stayed awake staring at the door. I need my baby back. I miss him and Taehyung misses Hoseok.

Next day

At one point of the night I fell asleep and I woke up to Jin trying to clam a wailing Taehyung. "Sssshhh it's okay Tae Tae. Hobi will be here promise."but nothing worked until our manner called.

"Hey boys. So um
You might wanna come
Get Hope Jungkook and Jimin"


"Well because when I
Said they could go home
They all went to the dressing room
Then fell a sleep in there."

"Okay Me and namjoon well come
Get them"-Yoongi

"Alright bye Boys"

"Taehyung did you here that your Daddy's coming home!" Jin said finally claiming him down.

Time skip brought to you by Minecraft Jessie

After geting them home Hoseok ran up to the drom geting Taehyung higing him saying sorry for not coming back home. I look at the happy reunion happening until I high pitched whine caught my attention, I look down at jimin and smile I take him upstairs but not before getting a bottle and baby food. As I walk upstairs I see Taehyung, "can 'lay with minnie?" (Can play with minnie) he asked still remembering our promise "In a few mins Tae Tae gotta feed him then you can okay?" I said and got a smile a and thumbs up and I gave the thumbs up back.

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