Chapter 6:Baby Jimin all Day

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No one POV

"Alright boys you can go home! Great work today, I'm proud of you!" Said the dance teacher once he left everyone started talking to eachother other then jimin. He sat down and layed his head on his back waiting to go home. "Baby are you okay?" Said Yoongi, he looked at his baby and frowned "Daddy..." Jimin whispered whined. Yoongi could tell he was over tired.

Yoongi's POV

"Come on Hunny. Let's go to the van and wait for everyone." I said grabbing his small hand helping him up. I grab his bag and leave mine. "Where are you two going?" Jin asked calmly "Out to the van" I responded and walked outside with jimins hand still in mine.

Once we got to the van I got Jimin into the van and then put everything in the trunk. After I closed the trunk I got back into the van I picked Jimin up and put him in the lap front to front, so he could lay his head on my shoulder. "Go to sleep Bubba. I promise you can be little all you want tomorrow." I whispered. After a few minutes of Jimin's hand clenching and unclenching my shirt he stopped unclenching but kept his hand in a fist(Jimin does that in real life! He always has his hand clenched while sleeping! Its adorable!).

After awhile I fell asleep hugging my baby.

Namjoons POV

After awhile we all walked to the van and put our stuff in the trunk. I looked at who was in the far back and it was jimin and Yoongi sleeping. It was a cute site. We all got in the car I drove with Jin in the passenger seat.

Time skip to back at the Dorm

I really didn't want to but I had to wake at least Yoongi. "Yoon, Yoon. Yoon" I said while shaking him lightly. He woke up a few seconds later and looked around him a saw we were home so I grabbed my bag and both of theirs since he had to carry jimin.

Yoongi's POV

I quietly said 'thank you' to Joon for taking our bags. I carried Jimin up to our room and said good night to everyone. Once I got to me and Jimins room I layed him on the bed while I changed in to some basketball shorts and a black shirt. After I changed I got a diaper out and a snap crouch onesie with little foxes on it.

 After I changed I got a diaper out and a snap crouch onesie with little foxes on it

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(Its so cute!)

After I changed jimin I looked at the clock.

11:30 Pm

I picked jimin up and lay him on my chest and slowly fell asleep.

2:15 Am

I woke up to whimpers. But that soon turned in to muffled sobs. "Hey Hey. Hunny what's wrong Bubba." I whispered calmly to him. I sit up and bring him with me, softly rubbing my nose on his cheek. I move my hand down to in between his legs, "Is that the problem Bubba? You pee'd yourself?" I asked even though he won't talk back to me. I get up and put him on my hip and bounce him lightly to help calm him down which worked.

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