Chapter 5:The Fall

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(Okay so this chapter is going to be off of when jimin did his flip but landed on his head. I was going to get the video but I can't find it. Sorry)

Namjoon's POV

Today would have been a good day but its not...
Today at Daejeon jimin was doing his flip over the back up dancers and fell on his head. So after we got off stage jimin broke down crying. Poor baby. Now were at home from a long day at the hospital. But how about we go back to when that happened.

Flashback to at the concert
Yoongi's POV

So were Dancing and jimins big flip stunt comes up. And to be honest I'm sacred. Jimin has done backflips and other stuff but never has he done this much.

Then it happened...

....he fell on his heart stopped...

But he got right up and kept dancing. After that we got off stage and he broke down crying. My heart hurt so much to see my baby crying so hard. "Baby your okay. Your fine." I said as I pick him and sat on the couch with him facing me in my lap. "I-it hurts so much" Jimin cried. Jin came in and put ice pack on his head. Then he said "Do we have to take him to the hospital?" I looked at him and slowly nodded.

"Hunny. We're gonna have to take you to the hospital. Okay?" I asked and for once he actually said okay to it. Normally he would get so upset and cry more. Jimin hates hospital. So I was really surprised that he didn't start crying harder.

At the hospital

When we got to the hospital I kept having to shake jimin ever so slightly to kept him awake. Jimin slowly slipped into little space "Dada..." jimin whispered "I know Hunny. But we the doctor says you can sleep you can okay?" I said but it didn't help that jimin was a baby space baby so he started crying because he was tired. "Okay boys jimin is fine you can go home and sleep but if anything happens come back" the doctor said. We all nod and get up and walk out. After we we're outside I picked jimin up and he immediately fell asleep.

End Of Flashback

At the house
Jin's POV

Once we got home went into little space "Daddy...I tired..." I said whining at Daddy. "Okay hun let's go to bed then. Say night to everyone." He said I waved bye to everyone and kissed Jiminie lightly on his forehead. "Night Everyone" Daddy said once we were upstairs Daddy put me in a Sugar glider onesie. "Daddy Minnie be otay?" I ask still a little worried about  Minnie. He nodded and then we got into bed and fell asleep.

Hoseok POV

Once we all said good night I carried a sleeping Kookie and held on to Taehyung tightly cause he looks like he could pass out at any moment. Once we got in the room I got out a Bunny onesie and a Tiger onesie. I changed them both the changed myself and we I turned around I saw the cutest thing ever(other then coming home to Jimin sleeping on top of Yoongi).

 I changed them both the changed myself and we I turned around I saw the cutest thing ever(other then coming home to Jimin sleeping on top of Yoongi)

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Fun Fact:Me and my GF were fighting about witch ship was better Yoonmin or Vmin. VKOOK AND YOONMIN IS BETTER makailiii2188 okay back to the story.

So then I took a picture the went to the other side of jungkook and fell asleep.

Yoongi's POV

Today was long. "Ready for bed little one?" I said talking to a sleeping jimin knowing that he won't answer me. I walked upstairs and almost  had a mini heart attack cause Jimin started to whimper in his sleep. I quickly shushed him back to sleep. Once we were in my room I changed myself then put jimin in his Dead Cute onesie. Then gave him a kiss and layed him on my chest and fell asleep.

Should I do a face Reveal or Voice Reveal?

You choose. Oh and I'm working on all three of the chapters for Kitty Gang and Agust D story and the first two Chapter for Jikook.

Alright bye!!!!

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