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( a/n lol fuck u guys this is a time skip now)

Shrek was getting ready, doing up his bow-tie in the cliche sorta thing. Dan was there, helping him get ready. "You look like Brendon's forehead you little bitch. It's" Dan was hopeless at pickup lines, even though Shrek was getting married. 

Brendon stood patiently, his +1 being his forehead. He held the book open, staring at the blank pages. Suddenly, he saw the door open and got everyone in position. Jesus was sweating way too heavily, sunshine gleaming over his face. After Shrek entered, Jenna quickly shut the door (well done Brendon) and walked Shrek down the aisle. Phil stood patiently with the rings while Dan was the best man. 

Brendon said all the cliche things that i dont wanna write before THEY WERE MARRIED!!!

At the party, Tyler Joseph sang sweetly on his ukulele. Dan and Phil were playing spin the bottle with PJ and Chris and they rigged it so Phan would be real. It was later leaked with a video...

Brendon and Josh got drunk together and Tyler managed to stop them doing the secksy secks. Ryan brought his milk carton. Just in case...

Shrek and Jesus danced the night away and then later sent Fiona to hell.


 lol i suck at dis (succ)

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