Chapter 2

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"How's it going?" Sam asks, walking in. He looks over to Alexa and Callen, who are sitting at their desks.

"Good. How bout you?" Callen replies.

"Good." Alexa answers.

"Me too." Sam says and sits at his desk. Kensi and Deeks arrive seconds later.

"How's it hanging?" Deeks smiles and practically skips over to the desks. Kensi shakes her head and continues walking towards them.

"You're weird." Alexa says to Deeks.

"You told me you loved weird?" Deeks says happily.

"Yea, but not your weird." Alexa says. Sam, Callen, and Kensi laugh.

"Do you always have to ruin my happiness?" He pouts and sits at his desk.

"What are sisters for?" She smiles. Everyone laughs.

"True dat." Deeks says and smiles again. Alexa shakes her head.

"How did you live with that?" Kensi asks pointing at Deeks, who frowned.

"I don't know. Lots of tolerance." Alexa replied.

"Haha very funny." Deeks says crossing his arms.

"Right!?" Alexa says. Deeks bangs his head on the desk. "You know you lose brain cells doing that."

"That explains a lot." Sam laughs. Alexa, Kensi, and Callen start laughing Deeks lifts his head.

"Is it bully Deeks day?" He asks.

"Yup." Everyone says at once and continues laughing.

"To quote my favorite character, How rude." He said and crossed his arms.

"I feel sick." Alexa said.

"Yeah, you're really pale. Like paler than usual." Kensi says looking at Alexa.

"What do you feel?" Sam asks.

"Nausea and headaches." Alexa replies  standing up. "Excuse me while I go throw up." She walks to the bathrooms.

Kensi gets up. "I'm going to make sure she's ok." Callen nods. Kensi goes after Alexa.

Sam looks at Callen and smiles.

"What?" Callen says looking at Sam.

"Well if I'm right than were getting a new member soon." Sam smiles.

"But we have 5 agents?" Deeks says confused.

Callen ignores Deeks and looks at Sam. "You don't think? No? I mean?"

"Well it's seems like it." Sam says leaning back in his chair.

Callen puts his head in his hands. "I mean it wouldn't be bad, but I don't know." He looks up. "You sure."

"Positive." Sam nods. "Michelle was the same way."

"Should I say something?" Callen asks.

"I think she knows, at least slightly. Wait til she tells you." Sam replies.

Callen nods.

Deeks still confused asks "What are you saying?"

"Thank gosh. He doesn't know." Callen sighs.

"Is that really your only concern?" Sam asks.

"The main one, yeah." Callen replies.

"Someone tell me." Deeks groans.

"If you really don't know the reason your sister is puking in the bathroom, than you need help." Sam replies.

"I still don't understand... Wait no... You don't mean..." Deeks gets cut off.

"Yes Mr. Deeks, your sister seems to be pregnant." Hetty states.

Deeks passes out.




"Hey you good in there?" Kensi asks from outside Alexa's stall.

"Much better now." Alexa replies opening the door.

"You know what it could mean, right?" Kensi says.

"Yea, I know. I'm going to the doctor tommorrow." Alexa replied.

"What's going to happen if you are?" Kensi asks.

"I don't know. I hope Callen will be okay and Marty. Oh gosh Marty's going to kill Callen." Alexa sighs.

Kensi hugs her friend. " Let's just start with some gum or a breath mint." Kensi laughed.

"Right!" alexa laughed fishing around her pocket for some mints and putting them in her mouth. "Better" she said with her mouth full. Kensi laughed and nodded.

They walked out of the bathroom.



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