Chapter 4

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"He's awake!" Kensi says over the phone.

"Thank gosh." Alexa says.

"He wants to see you." Kensi says.

"Ok on my way now." Alexa shuts her phone and looks at Callen. "Let's go he's awake." Callen looks at Sam. Sam nods. All three stand up and walk to the car.




"Hey Monkey, how you feeling." Alexa says walking into Deeks hospital room. Kensi is sitting in the chair next to him.

"I'm ok." Deeks replies.

"Doctor says he just needs to rest. He hit his head pretty hard. He's on painkillers so if he says anything weird then you'll know why." Kensi states.

"I got you a stuffed monkey." Alexa said handing him the stuffed monkey. He smiles and takes it.

"I love it!" He says hugging it. Alexa shakes her head and Kensi laughs.

"Where's Callen and Sam. They don't love me?" Deeks asks.

"They're outside. They wanted me to come in first." Alexa replied. Deeks nodded. Alexa looked at Kensi.

"I'm ... I think have to pee." She said getting up.

"You think?" Deeks laughs and coughs.

"Yup." Kensi said and walked out the door.

"Subtle." Alexa laughed.

"I know right!?" Deeks smiled. "Sooo."

"So?" Alexa asked.

"This is like... Awkward." Deeks laughed.

"Yup." Alexa said and took the now available seat next to Deeks.

"So are you?....You know prego?" Deeks stuttered.

"I think so." Alexa said.

"Oh." Deeks sighed. "And so Callen's the dad?"

"Yup. Who else? Wait don't answer that." Alexa laughed.

Deeks smiled. "Uncle Marty sounds nice."

"It sure does, but I think uncle monkey will be cooler." Alexa smiled.

"Nooooooooooooo!" Deeks exclaimed.

Sam and Callen ran into the room.

"Is everything ok?" Callen asked.

"I think so?" Alexa replied.

"Well Deeks is still alive so I think we're good." Sam laughed.

"Thanks." Deeks frowned.

"Anytime." Sam smiled walking out.

"Hey can I talk to Deeks alone?" Callen asked Alexa.

"Um are you sure about that?" She asked.

"It's fine I won't bite." Deeks but in.

"Ok." Alexa said and walked out.

"So." Deeks said.

"I want your permission to ask your sister to marry me." Callen said.

"Uh ...." Deeks eyes closed and the monitor buzzed. A Doctor and nurses ran in.

"What happened?" The doctor asked.

"I just asked him a question. I think he just fainted." Callen replied. The doctor nodded as the monitor started looking normal again.

"I think no more visitors for today." The doctor said nodding to the nurse.

"Ok." Callen said and walked out, followed by the nurse.


Deeks just keeps getting overwhelmed with news.

Callen wants to get married???

Hope you had a great Labor Day weekend for all who celebrated it!!


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