Chapter 9

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Sam, Callen, Alexa, Hetty, Kensi, Deeks, Nell, Eric, and Michelle sat in Callen's surprisingly not empty living room.

"When did you get a couch?" Kensi exclaimed.

"When did you get furniture?" Sam laughed.

"I got it." Alexa said. Everyone laughed.

"Well if we are going to have a family, it's gotta look like a home." Callen said.

"Awwww." Kensi and Michelle squeaked. Callen's face turned red.

"Haha you're a tomato." Deeks laughed. Kensi punched him in the shoulder. "Ow."

"Well congratulations!" Hetty said holding up her glass of wine, that Michelle brought.

"Cheers!" Everyone said holding there glasses.

"I can't believe you're getting married before me?" Deeks says. Everyone laughs except Deeks. "What?" He says looking around.

"Really? You thought you would be married before me?" Alexa asked.

"Well yea." Deeks replied.

"Okay then." Callen said trying to hold back a laugh.

"What?" Deeks asks again.

"You don't seem like the settle down, family time type of man." Alexa laughed.

"Well I am." Deeks frowned. "Actually I'm in a relationship right now?"

"Really and how's that going?" Sam asked. Kensi squirmed in her seat. Nell put her hand on Kensi's shoulder.

"It's going great, I think. I really like her. I mean she's amazing and super beautiful." Deeks smiled. Everyone stared at him.

"You do know that we know who you're talking about right?" Nell said.

"No you don't." Deeks spit out.

"Yea, we do." Everyone said in union, including Hetty. Everyone turned their head to her.

"Oh I don't mind." She said. "It's the same with Nell and Eric." Nell and Eric turned red.

"Wait, what?" Callen, Sam and Deeks exclaimed. Alexa, Michelle, and Kensi laughed.

"You knew?" Sam and Callen said to their giggling women.

"Girls talk about boys." Alexa stated.

"Boys talk about girls, but Eric said nothing." Deeks said.

"Um yea I don't really talk to you guys." Eric butted in.

"Yea you guys should all hangout more." Alexa smiled. All the boys looked at eachother.

"Um I guess." Eric said.

"Why not." Callen smiled.

"Stop smiling and I'll go." Sam said nodding to Callen.

"Let's go surfing." Deeks smiled.

"NO!" Eric, Callen, and Sam exclaimed.

"Bleh." Deeks pouted.

Everyone laughed.

"Well when there's guys night trees girls night!" Michelle exclaimed.

"Amen to that." Kensi said.

"To babies, weddings, and nights out with friends!" Alexa said raising her glass.

"Cheers!" Everyone said. Glasses clinked.



This is not the actual end! don't be scared. But for now I won't be writing anything for this story anymore. This IS the end of part 3. Part 4 will be coming around eventually. I am in the process of writing an original novel and will give you details on that some other time :) hope you enjoyed it so far!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2014 ⏰

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