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jeongguk was in his most favorite place in the world. he could think and do whatever he wanted without worry, and there was no judgement from the outside world. the only other person that knew about this place was his one and only best friend, min yoongi. the brunet was laying on his stomach in the open field, surrounded by trees. he had his sketchbook opened to a blank page and his pencil case laid out next to him.

in his own little world, jeongguk didn't even notice yoongi approaching him. the older 'fell' onto the ground and cried out, "oh no! jeongguk! help me, i think i twisted my ankle!"

dropping everything, jeongguk jumped from his place and sprinted yoongi, falling on his knees next to him. "yoonie hyung, are you okay? where does it hurt?" jeongguk tried to take a look at the older's ankle, but yoongi wouldn't let him near it, keeping his hands wrapped around it.

"please, hyung. you always help me when i get hurt." jeongguk tried to get closer once more.

yoongi finally pulled his hands away slowly, but as jeongguk got closer, he tackled the small boy to the ground, pinning his hands above his head. he grinned, exclaiming, "gotcha!"

jeongguk pouted, turning his head away. "that's not funny. you could've actually been hurt."

uh-oh, jeongguk thought. the tinglies are back. why does it only happen why hyungie is here?

gulping, jeongguk pushed the taller boy off of him, rolling from underneath him. he cleared his throat and faltered towards his original spot.

yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. jeongguk had been acting odd lately, and the older was definitely taking notice. he thought he had an idea what was going on. laying on his back next to jeongguk, who had resumed his previous position, yoongi stared up at the clouds. yoongi thought he'd have to initiate conversation, but jeongguk beat him to it.


"hm?" he turned his head to the brunet. his innocent eyes were focused on the sketch that was laid out on the paper, but yoongi could tell something else was on his mind.

"have you ever.. you know, l-liked someone before?" jeongguk put his pencil down, but he wouldn't look at yoongi.

yoongi thought for a second before speaking. "i mean, i've found some of my classmates kind of cute before, but i never wanted to date them. they're all boring. i like you better." yoongi smiled softly, turning so he was facing jeongguk, supporting his head with his hand. "do you like someone?"

jeongguk slowly closed his book and put his pencils away before standing up quickly, grabbing his things and sprinting out of the clearing.

yoongi sat up, mumbling, "how rude."



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