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yoongi hovered over jeongguk, the latter frozen in place with his eyes wide. "h-hyungie?"

letting his finger slide down jeongguk's defined jaw, yoongi remained silent. he let his lips follow the trail of his finger, leaving gentle kisses all the way down to the boy's collarbone.

jeongguk closed his eyes, slowly letting his body relax. his body was reacting in so many different ways that he wasn't sure what to do. there was a familiar feeling in his stomach and chest, but he couldn't pinpoint what it was, exactly.

yoongi slid his hand down to jeongguk's waist, his arm that was supporting him moving closer to jeongguk's head so he could play with the brunet's hair. jeongguk's shaky breath and slight tremor didn't go unnoticed by the older male. "jeongguk," yoongi muttered.

jeongguk's eyes fluttered open, staring up at his hyung. he didn't realize they were so close; their noses were nearly touching. giving no reply, jeongguk removed his arm from behind his head and instead tangled his fingers in yoongi's messy locks. his eyes went from yoongi's dark orbs and to his lips. his gaze didn't last long though.

yoongi smiled softly, nudging his nose against jeongguk's. "get the idea?" he started to move off of jeongguk.

"wait!" jeongguk's left hand flew up to yoongi's waist, keeping him in place. his cheeks flushed red from embarrassment, not meaning to shout. "sorry.. i mean, i'm still not quite sure." he smiled bashfully up at yoongi.

humming softly, yoongi grabbed hold of jeongguk's right hand, interlocking their fingers. jeongguk couldn't bear it any longer; the curiosity, the feeling in his stomach, and the close proximity of him and his beautiful best friend. jeongguk leaned up, not having to move much, and pressed his lips against yoongi's. he didn't move his lips, considering he wasn't sure what to do.

do it like in the movies, jeongguk thought. he started to move his lips slowly, scared he would mess up.

yoongi moved with jeongguk, letting him move at his own pace. it was only an innocent kiss, but they were both okay with that.


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