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"park jimin, i hate you! why can't you just have the littlest bit of respect, you dick-head!"

hot tears streamed down jeongguk's  face as he stared down at the mess in front of him. he knew there was no way he could salvage what would be a near masterpiece. he collapsed to the ground next to the torn canvas and wiped at his face angrily, but it was no use. tears continued to fall rapidly.

minutes later, the door unlocked and in stepped the main culprit. jeongguk snapped his head toward the pink haired man, his face gone serious. "why would you do something like this? how could you be so irresponsible?"

jimin tilted his head innocently as if he he had no clue what was going on. "what're talking about, ggukie?"

after pushing himself off the hardwood floor, jeongguk stormed over the the shorter boy. he pointed towards the mess, raising an eyebrow. "don't act like you don't know what that is. i wasn't home at all last night, and i know exactly how you are when it comes to bringing people over. you get all clumsy and like to get messy with things. i'm not stupid." he was surprised he was able to push the words out considering how upset he was.

"well maybe if you would stop leaving your junk lying around the house, this wouldn't be a problem." jimin let the act go. it didn't last long, surprisingly. he stood up straighter, watching as more tears fell down jeongguk's face.

jeongguk crosses his arms and mumbled, "i-it's not junk."

"bullshit. people only buy your paintings because they feel bad for a kid like you. it's not even that good."

turning around, jeongguk wiped at the tears again. he tried to ignore jimin's hurtful words. he knew it wasn't true. jeongguk walked to his painting and picked it up, a sob slipping past his lips. he pulled his phone out of his pocket and called the only person he could think of at the moment. jimin had already left the room, ignoring the crying boy.


"h-hyungie?" jeongguk whimpered, his lower lip trembling as he tried to force the words out.

"gguk? are you crying"

"can i- can i come over?" jeongguk pushed the question aside and slipped on his shoes. he already knew what yoongi's answer would be.

"of course, bun. my door's always open for you."

"i'll be right over, hyung."

jeongguk ran out of the apartment, making sure to slam the door for dramatic effect. he made his way to yoongi's as fast as possible. as soon as he arrived, he threw the door open, not bothering to knock.

when yoongi looked up from the couch, he was presented with a panting jeongguk, tears dried to his rosy cheeks. jeongguk's eyes landed on the platinum blond, and when he did, he immediately broke down. "i-i'm sorry, y-yoongi hyung."

yoongi rushed over to the boy and pulled him into this arms, stroking his hair comfortingly. "don't be sorry, ggukie," yoongi spoke softly, as if to not scare him. "you didn't do anything wrong."

jeongguk cried into yoongi's shoulder, gripping the shorter man's sweater. he didn't speak anymore. he eventually pulled away and grabbed yoongi's hand, dragging him to the sofa with his head hung low. when yoongi sat down, jeongguk plopped down into his lap. yes, the boy was a lot bigger than the former. yoongi didn't mind though. it reminded him of when they were younger, and jeongguk would run to yoongi when he was getting picked on by older kids at school.

"take your time, babe. don't rush yourself." yoongi ran his finger's through the brunet's soft locks, his other hand linked with the latter's.

jeongguk didn't open up for a while. he just sat there with his eyes closed and his head resting against yoongi's shoulder. "hyung, jimin is such an ass."

"hey, what did i tell you about cussing," yoongi said, trying to make him feel better.

he giggled quietly, shoving yoongi playfully. "stop it." he still had a few tears trickling down his face.

"okay, okay. tell hyung what's wrong."

jeongguk nestled back into yoongi's warm embrace before going into detail of what had happened with jimin. the destruction of his hard work, of his beautiful painting, that definitely wasn't a piece of junk. jeongguk knew that. he was confident in his artwork. however, this piece held a lot more meaning to it. if it were a regular project that he was working on for fun, he still would've been upset but probably wouldn't have gotten as worked up.

"why was this piece so special, gguk?" yoongi traced light patterns onto the back of jeongguk's hand.

focusing on yoongi's slender fingers, heat spread across his cheeks. "i-it was for you, hyung.. remember when i went to the library a few weeks ago?"

yoongi hummed softly in reply.

"well, i ended up checking out another copy of the book you were reading that day. i really liked it, and it inspired me. the painting was for you, but-" jeongguk got choked up again. he waited until he knew he'd be stable enough to speak, taking a deep breath when he did. "but jimin messed it up. him and one of his stupid hook-ups must have fallen on it or something. i dunno. but it was really special to me, and i was hoping it would be for you too." he was playing with the hem yoongi's shirt now, twisting it around his finger.

"jeongguk, i know you must've put your all into it. you always do. and i'm thankful for that. but you can't control what others do. nobody can. you can only control your own actions." yoongi kissed the top of jeongguk's head.

"thanks, hyung. i'm just.. so tired of him. he's a pain to be around and it drives me crazy." jeongguk wiped his nose on his shirt and rubbed at his eyes, getting tired from all the crying. "i wanna move but i don't have enough money. jimin needed a roommate, and we seemed to get along when we first met. turns out not so much anymore."

"well, it might be a bit of a stretch, but what if you moved in here? it's just a suggestion." yoongi rubbed jeongguk's back. "i can move my equipment out of the spare room, and we can renovate it into yours."

jeongguk frowned. the idea sounded wonderful to him, but it made him feel guilty. "i don't want to invade your space."

yoongi sighed softly. "you wouldn't be invading, bub. i would love to have you around."

yawning, jeongguk snuggled against yoongi, still sitting in his lap. "what ever you say, hyungie."

yoongi smiled and patted the top of jeongguk's head. "let's get you to bed." he eventually got jeongguk off of him and into his room. the latter changed into a pair of yoongi's sweatpants, which were a bit small but still worked, and an oversized hoodie that fit the boy just right. yoongi sat next to jeongguk as he pulled the blanket close to him, stroking his hair gently.

"thank you." jeongguk smiled warmly.

yoongi leaned down to give jeongguk a soft kiss on the lips. "anytime."

suddenly, jeongguk pulled away and lifted the hoodie up, poking at his stomach. "taehyung was right. once you get a boyfriend, you get chubby from all the extra eating." of course, the boy was over reacting. his stomach was still smooth as ever.

yoongi chuckled. "boyfriend, huh?"

jeongguk's face turned red as fire. his hands flew to his face in embarrassment. "sorry, hyung!"

"it's okay." he pulled the younger's hands away, holding them in his lap. "if it's okay with you, it's okay with me."


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