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jeongguk hadn't been out of his house for three days. it was summer, so it was acceptable to everyone. everyone except min yoongi.

yoongi sat on the porch step of the jeon household, waiting for jeongguk to come outside. he had been sitting there for three hours and wasn't planning on moving anytime soon. both boys' parents were at work, so they had no idea what was happening. every few minutes, yoongi would pound on the door, yelling for jeongguk, but he kept getting strange looks from the other kids so he decided to stop. it didn't seem like the summer heat was going to cool off anytime soon, so yoongi thought there was no other option. he was going to break in.

he marched over to jeongguk's bedroom window, peeking inside. of course, the boy was curled up on his bed and facing the wall. yoongi pressed his hands against the window and pushed up. thank goodness it was unlocked. jeongguk usually slept with the window open during the summer. plus, their rooms were right across from each other, so that usually led to late night chats that got them in trouble. once the window was open enough, the boy wiggled inside. it was somewhat difficult since he was still short. taller than jeongguk, but still short.

jeongguk turned around when he heard the thump. he sat up quickly, scrambling to grab a hat to cover his greasy hair. sure, yoongi had saw him at his lowest multiple times, but for some reason, this time it was different. "what are you doing here?!"

yoongi sat upright but remained on the ground. "i missed my best friend. it's boring without you around."

"whatever." jeongguk's cheeks flushed red. laying back down, jeongguk pulled the blanket over his head and made no sign of coming out.

"if you're going to be difficult, so am i." yoongi tackled jeongguk, pinning him over the blanket. he pulled the material off his face so he could breathe.

jeongguk didn't speak, he just stared up at his hyung. yoongi didn't speak either. they watched silently for as long as they could handle. "hyung, can we have a sleep over?" the brunet's eyes were full of innocence and purity. how could yoongi refuse?

still on top of jeongguk, yoongi nodded. "of course, bun. get cleaned up and i'll be back soon, alright?" yoongi hopped out the window, leaving jeongguk on his own for now.

this time, it was both boys that had a case of the tinglies.


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