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yoongi banged on the door in front of him, tapping his foot impatiently. it opened moments later, a tall male with parted black hair standing in front of him.

"what do you want?"

"is taehyung here? i need to talk but not with him around." yoongi looked stressed out, an oversized hoodie swallowing his small frame.

hoseok frowned. "no, he's at the museum. what's going on?" he stepped aside when yoongi shoved past him. not receiving an answer, hoseok shut the door and followed yoongi to the couch, where they both sat down. "you ready to talk?"

"i think i'm in love." yoongi sighed dramatically and held his hands in his lap.

"well that's one way to put it." hoseok laughed, crossing his legs.

"i'm being serious! there's no other way to put it." yoongi began to ramble. "i can't believe i even did something like that. that's so unlike me. he's like.. my little brother! i'd never do that in a million years. but it seemed so natural, you know? he asked me and then, bam! i just did it without questioning." groaning, yoongi fell onto hoseok's shoulder.

hoseok let his friend get his feelings out. he wrapped his arm around the older and patted his back. "sounds excruciating. would you like to go a little deeper, though? i might be able to give some advice if i have a bit more information."

yoongi leaned into hoseok's side as he began to tell him about jeongguk in daegu. hoseok was one of the first friends he had made when he moved to seoul, and they immediately clicked. they were stuck like glue.

as yoongi finished up, hoseok furrowed his eyebrows. "i don't think it's love, but you're close to it. this is the kid you grew up with, right?"


"so you basically know everything about him? like even the smallest things?"

"yup. when he's anxious he pulls on his shirt or plays with the seam on his pants. and-"

"okay, okay. you can stop." hoseok held up his hand. in the few months he had known yoongi, he had never heard him speak so much. then he stopped and thought for a second. the times when he did ramble on was when he was reminded of the younger boy. for example, hoseok and yoongi would go out for ice cream, and every single time, yoongi would point out that cookies and cream was jeongguk's favorite. and then hoseok would have to break the news that yoongi had told him that fact every time they came. however, yoongi never failed to bring it up.

"when did you know you were in love with taehyung?"

hoseok bit his lip, thinking back to when he met taehyung years ago. "it wasn't immediate. but i knew when it happened. he never fails to brighten my bad days, and i want to be around him 24/7. although, there are days where we need our space, but that's normal in a healthy relationship. and next thing you know, you'll be making lo-"

"okay!" yoongi clamped his hands over his ears. "i think i understand now!"


happy birthday to our sunshine!! hobi was my first bias and will always hold a special place in my heart. i love him to no end, no words can explain it. i hope he spends this day well 💛

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