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five years later

yoongi stepped inside the beautiful art gallery, his camera hanging around his neck. his best friend, hoseok, had told him that there would be an art showing there that night. when the white haired male entered, his lips parted in awe. he had never seen any art so beautiful before. it'd be great for his blog.

he walked around until he felt a tap on his shoulder. he turned around, seeing a boy a few centimeters taller than him with blond hair. "hey, taehyung. hoseok told me you'd be here."

"well, duh, i work here." taehyung smiled, turning to look at the painting in front of them.

yoongi tilted his head, not seeing a name anywhere. "do you know who the artist is?"

taehyung gasped dramatically, throwing his arm over yoongi's shoulders. "of course i do! jeongguk brings his art here all the time. he's super talented; he can do anything."

"j-jeongguk?" yoongi didn't take his eyes off the painting. no, it couldn't be him. he moved to busan, not seoul.

"yup, jeon jeongguk. he'll be here tonight if you wanna meet him." taehyung patted yoongi's back before wandering off, going to greet other guests who were arriving.

pushing his thoughts and feelings away, yoongi prepared his camera, getting a good angle for the photograph. it showed a boy with paint splattered across his face and broad shoulders; his eyes were sharp and filled with determination. yoongi would have to look further into it later, but before he could move on, a soft voice said, "you like it?"

spinning around, yoongi came face to face with a tall male, sparkling brown eyes, and a beautiful smile. he gulped and nodded, saying, "y-yeah. it's lovely."

the man stood next to yoongi, both turning to face the painting once again. the former crossed his arms, tilting his head upward. "i think this is one of my best."

"i agree." it was officially confirmed that this was the jeon jeongguk from his childhood. he had the same innocent doe eyes and cute little nose that yoongi loved. he was sure of it. now, yoongi hadn't seen any of jeongguk's recent work other than the piece that was in front of him, but he had seen sketches from their teenage years. this one definitely beat them all.

jeongguk held out his hand, tilting his head adorably. "i don't believe we've met before."

yoongi groaned internally, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. this boy could be so oblivious sometimes. "min yoongi. pleasure to meet you." the older male took jeongguk's hand, staring him right in eyes, waiting for a reaction.

it took him a second of course, but it didn't take long before his eyes went wide and his grip on yoongi's hand tightened. "y-yoongi?"

yoongi smiled warily, wincing from jeongguk's grip. "that's me."

jeongguk grinned and released yoongi's hand. he pulled him into a tight hug, surprising the older. "i missed you so much, hyung!"

yoongi pulled away hesitantly, staring up at the brunet. "i missed you too, gguk."


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