Chapter 2

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Your POV:

By the next morning we got our replies and we were told a date and time to meet with our requester. (A/N: this sentence is like all over the place wtf)

Luckily we had different appointments. Hisoka said it would give me a head start if I went with him too, so I could meet Kohaku and prepare myself for my assignment. I agreed.

I took the train and arrived in Asakusa. Google maps showed me the way to the building and I entered it. At the reception desk I asked to speak with Mr. Miyazaki and she told which floor and the room number.

I wasn't exactly disguised, but I was wearing a black cap and a black mask over my mouth, so others would only be able to see my (e/c) eyes.

Thanking her I walked toward the elevator and got in. Was I nervous? Yeah.

This was my first assignment since 2 months and it was extremely difficult and risky. Kohaku would be able to kill me in a second. He's on a completely different level than I am.

When I got off an the 13th floor, I saw a guy leaving Mr. Miyazaki's office. He locked eyes with me and I was mesmerized. His eyes were a gorgeous royal blue color. And his hair was white and looked very fluffy. It kind of made me question his age.

I walked past him not sparing him a second glance and knocked on my requester's door. There was a quiet "come in" and I went inside.

"You're late.", he said. "Do i care?", I snapped back. He sighed but ushered me to sit down in front of him. I did as told and he handed me a folder. It was already opened and there was a biography of my victim.

I skimmed it through and he seemed quite interesting. Still rather young only 2 years older than me, not actually a person but a spirit and he can turn into a dragon. There were pictures of him in his normal and dragon form.

"Done?"Mr. Miyazaki asked me with a smile. I nodded at him as I packed the folder into my bag. "So, when's the deadline?"

"November 14th.", he said calmly and I nodded again. (A/N: 14.11.2017 is a very important date for me, try to guess why (~ ̄∇ ̄) ~ Hint: read my bio)

"So I have two and a half months, that's actually a lot. Thank you sir.", I smiled as I bowed slightly.

"Don't mention it, he is quite a difficult target." I mentally agreed, but it was worth the money.

"You may leave now." I nodded and said my goodbye before walking out the door.


Hisoka knocked on the door as we patiently waited for it to be opened by one of Kohaku's maids.

After a few seconds it was pushed open and a young lady led us into the huge house. More of a mansion honestly. We were both brought into Kohaku's office and we looked at him while scrolled through his phone.

A minute or two later he put his phone down and said: "You must be Hisoka." He had the most monotone and deep voice ever. Hisoka nodded with a smirk and I saw Kohaku turning to me.

"And you are?", he questioned looking genuinely confused. "Hello! I'm (y/n), Hisoka's younger sister.", I said enthusiastically trying to play off as innocent as possible.

He nodded and gave Hisoka his attention. Opening a folder he pointed at my co worker as he explained who she was and why she was a target. Basically everything that was already written in the request.

Kohaku kept on glancing at me, either he knew something was up or he found me interesting. I was hoping for the latter.

"You have two weeks to finish the job, and I want proof that you did it. Her head would be the best.", he simply stated. My eyes widened slightly, but it didn't really shock me. Many requesters asked for the head as proof, so it wasn't really new to me.

We left the mansion shortly after, but not without me slipping a piece of paper with my name and phone number on his desk.

I decided that i would have to befriend him first, better make him fall for me. It would work best with my Nen and I have 2 and a half months of time either way.

Suddenly, I felt someone's eyes on me and I quickly turned around. But no one was there. Weird.

"Everything alright (y/n)chan?", Hisoka asked me with a slight frown. I looked at him. "Yeah, sorry I just felt like someone was watching me.", I answered cautiously but smiled at him nonetheless.

I mean, there couldn't have been anybody.


Not proof read lolol so sorry for any typos. Hope you're enjoying the story so far! Killua is going to make his first real appearance, meaning that he will talk to the reader, in the next chapter, if not, then in the one after (^o^)

Bye bye loves <3

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