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Killua's POV:

I heaved a sigh as I got into my car. Finally it's the weekend. Finally I can see her. My precious (y/n).

It'd been a long day and an extremely exhausting week. I had moved away from Tokyo, I couldn't let Ryouta get in my way again. I had gotten a job in an inn a little further away from my mansion. During the week I 'd stay at the inn and when the weekend comes by, I'd go back to the mansion which is located in the mountains.

I made sure my mansion wouldn't be visible on maps, just to make sure Kurapika, Gon and Leorio wouldn't follow me. Huh, haven't seen them in a while.

About a month has passed since I picked up (y/n) from that club. I promised to never hurt her again and I can remember how her eyes shone hopefully. She agreed to move away with me and since then we've been living together in Hakone.

Sometimes when I'm at the inn, I fear that one of those idiots will show up at my mansion, trying to take (y/n) away from me. They want "the best" for her. Then let her stay with me, this is what's best for her.

But of course since I'm fucking rich, just to be sure I've installed cameras all over my property and in every room and hallway of the mansion, just to ensure (y/n)'s safety.

I also call her every day, every hour to check up on her. My boss at the inn get's angry at me because of that sometimes. Honestly, she's so annoying. I'd kill her, but I'd be lying if I said I could manage this inn by myself.

Hearing (y/n)'s voice every day is the only thing that get's me through the week, it's the only thing that's been getting me through the past month.

Every time I arrive at home her smile warms up my heart. The fact that she was able to accept me and forgive my past mistakes makes me love her even more.

"I'll just call her now", I mumbled to myself as I took my phone out of my pocket. I dialed the number of the phone in the mansion. I waited patiently and started counting the seconds until (y/n) would answer. Since I call her every day I can pinpoint the moment I'd hear her sweet voice.

"3...2...1...", I whispered and as if on cue, her angelic voice sounded from my phone's speaker. "Hi Killua", she said in her soft tone which made my heart flutter and melt at the same time.

"Hey honey. How are you?", I asked. "I'm good I guess", she answered and I smiled. "I'll be home soon okay? See you then", I said as I buckled up my seat belt. "Okay. See you later Killua", she said and I ended the call.

Hearing her say my name makes me fall in love with her all over again. It rolls off her tongue perfectly, as if she was made to say my name, and my name only.

It was a 30 minute drive up the mountains. We'd only been living in the mansion in the mountains for about a month now, but I felt so at home. Even though I wasn't even there most of the time, (y/n) made the few days of the week I could spend with her there amazing.

A smile slowly crept onto my lips as I grew more and more excited at the thought of holding her in my arms again.

"Finally", I heaved a sigh as the abnormally huge building, considering only two people live there, came into sight. Some time passed and I entered the huge gates, now driving on my actual property. It would still take me a few minutes to arrive.

Once I did, I parked the car and stepped out, taking a deep breath of fresh air.

I fished my keys out of my pockets as I walked toward the front doors. After unlocking them, I swung the doors open harshly resulting into an eerie creak.

"(Y/n) I'm home!", I called out. Music could be heard from the dining hall which is where I knew my precious (y/n) was waiting for me.

As soon as I stepped in, I saw her sitting on a chair with her back faced toward me. I walked to her wrapping my arm around her shoulders and then kissed her forehead.

She was silently watching TV and after joining her for a bit we decided to eat dinner.

We sat across each other at the dining table and ate the food we prepared together. Dinner consisted mostly of me telling her about my week as she smiled at all the stories I had to share.

After dinner I washed the dishes and as soon as I was done we went to our shared bedroom. We took showers before we wrapped ourselves in our thick warm blanket.

"I love you", I whispered as I stared into the cold eyes I came to love.

And with that, I fell asleep.

With the love of my life laying dead in my arms.

aaaand i'm done!

thank you for reading my crappy fanfic, and after one long year it's finally done :)

byeeee, love you <3

in my arms | killua yandereWhere stories live. Discover now