Chapter 3

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Your POV:

It was another boring day at the coffee shop and while I was waiting for customers to come through the door, I started planning how to kill my victim.

Kohaku still hadn't messaged me, which worries me a bit, but I've always got a plan B just in case. I only have to figure out what the fuck it is and then I'm good.

The bell above the glass door jingled and I as usual put on my best smile. But it was replaced by a face of shock when I saw who had come.

It was that weird white haired boy from yesterday. His royal blue eyes seemed to recognize me too since he smiled and waved at me.

"Hey I remember you!", he stated. I smiled back at him and nodded. "I'd like a small caffè latte please.", he ordered and took out his wallet. He payed and waited for his drink as I took the next few orders.

I quietly watched him as he took a seat and pulled a folder out of his bag. I immediately knew what it was. Who is his victim?

He drank his coffee and I didn't realize that I was staring at him until he glanced up and our eyes locked once again. The boy gave me a sly smirk and winked before looking back down at his folder. A slight blush crept on my cheeks.

It was time for my break and Chihiro took over. I frowned wondering when Hisoka would strike. Walking to the back room, I took a sandwich from the fridge. I poured myself a glass of coke and sat down somewhere in the shop.

I was engrossed in my phone when I heard the chair opposite me being pulled out. The boy from earlier was now sitting across me and intensely staring at me.

"Hi I'm Killua!", he introduced himself. I choked on my drink when I realized he had the word 'kill' in his name. "Hi I'm (y/n).", I replied still coughing.


"Hold on, you're Killua? As in Killua Zoldyck?", I asked. "Yeah how did you know?" He furrowed his brows in confusion which made me smile.

"I'm friends with your brother, Illumi.", I explained and he hummed. I didn't miss the slight look of disgust on his face.

"I'm Hisoka's younger sister by the way, maybe you know him?" "You mean that clown guy with the cards?", he asked. "Yup.", I said popping the 'p'. He told me that Hisoka visits the Zoldyck mansion quite often which was interesting to know. I've never been there.

"So... you're an assassin huh?", he stated sipping his coffee. "Yeah, so are you.", I awkwardly said not knowing what else to answer.

"So who's your victim?" His stare was so intense I actually felt weak in front of him. That's a first.

"Kohaku.", I simply stated. Killua's eyes widened. "You mean the dragon dude?" I nodded.

"How much did they offer you for that?", he laughed. "550.000¥", I stated and he answered saying that he was only offered 400.000¥ pouting afterwards.

"So who's your victim?", I questioned. "Secret!", he grinned at me holding a finger to his lips. "No fair!"

I spent quite some time talking to him and I found him very sympathetic. He's 20 years old and has a soft spot for any type of chocolate. Not to mention, he lives alone in an apartment in Jiyugaoka, which is only a station away from mine. In no time my break was over and we bid goodbyes as i walked back to the counter.

"Who's that?", Chihiro smiled at me and I rolled my eyes. "He's just an acquaintance.", I laughed off and helped her take of the orders and prepare the drinks.

Sorry, it's a short update not to mention a boring chapter. And it's not proof read hehe oops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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