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I regained my footing as we slid along the ice he created, pedestrians staring at us as we flew by. I tried to shake his hand from my arm, but his grip was like a vice. I quivered with anger; again, he 'saved' me. I didn't want his help. I didn't need his help. I wanted to fight him, right then and there. I wanted to kill him, but we were going to fast for me to even pull my knife on him without plummeting to my death. 

"You," Todoroki breathed. "I saved you, as kids. What happened to you? What have you done?"

I couldn't answer, to panicked by the speed to say anything. Todoroki slowed down, and we landed in front of an apartment complex. I fell onto the ground, catching my breath. Todoroki held out his hand to help, but I struggled to my feet on my own. I didn't need him.

I laughed. "What haven't I done, Todoroki? It'd be easier to ask that." A man walking down the, strangely, unbusy street gasped upon seeing me, fumbling for his phone, probably to call the police. Since I valued my life, I whipped around, and shot him on the spot, his blood shooting across the street as he collapsed on the ground, screaming in pain. I laughed and shot him again in the voicebox, shutting him up as he lived out his last moments. "What haven't I done, Todoroki Shoto!" I laughed harder, enjoying the familiar wave of nothing. I never felt guilt when I murdered. I simply did it! It felt wonderful!

Todoroki's eyes widened as he ran over to the man, who was attempting to gasp for air; A pool of blood was around him like a halo. "D-Deku, what did you do?" Todoroki yelled, looking for a way to save the man.

"Shot him. Nothing special."

Todoroki wilted, surrounded by the widening pool of blood. The man was dead. "You can't just do that. You can't just shoot people, Deku!"

This was it, my opportunity. I could kill Todoroki Shoto, right here, right now, but, something was holding me back. Some unseen force, freezing my hand in place; I couldn't pull the trigger. "I do what I want." I responded, which sounded ironic, coming from me in this...situation.

Todoroki muttered something that I couldn't hear, then stood up and walked back toward me, gripping both of my arms in a death grip, leaving bloodstains on my white shirt. God, I hated when that happened. It took forever to get the blood out of my shirts, if it ever got out at all. I kicked him in the nuts, and his grip loosened as he doubled over. I broke free and took a few steps back, but didn't leave. I still had the chance to kill him, and sure as hell I was gonna do it.

I stared at him as he recovered. "Don't touch me again. You're lucky I haven't killed you already."

"You know, every male hero should have armor around that spot. That hurt." Todoroki joked, wincing.

"Maybe I just saved the world from more heroes, who knows?" I shrugged.

Todoroki smiled a trademark hero smile. "So that's your goal? To kill all of us? Like Stain?"

"Only certain heroes. I have a list. Don't worry," I lied, "you're not on it."

Truth is, he was one of the three names on the list, though I needed to add two more. That hero, Uravity, who spotted me on the train, and the frog woman, who tattled on me when I was on the train. They, too, needed to die. It seemed like my list was just getting longer and longer the longer I lived.

Todoroki looked around the, still, unbusy road, then at the body of the man I shot. "We should go inside. We need to talk."

"We can't talk about it here? And do you really trust me to let you inside your house?" I cocked an eyebrow, my fingers tapping on the holster of my gun. "I think you forget who I am, Todoroki. I'm Deku. S rated villain. To be shot on sight."

"That's my point. I don't want you dead." Todoroki grabbed my hand, trying to pull me inside the building with him. I drew a knife with my free hand, and cut his wrist, forcing him to let go. Todoroki looked at my in shock, icing over his wound. I wiped the blood off the knife, smiling at his shock.

"I warned you not to touch me, Todoroki." I laughed. "If you try it again, I will put this knife in your heart. I don't care if you're 'number one hero' or anything like that. Now, you wanted to go inside, so let's fucking go. Wouldn't want to get caught with Deku, am I right? You're reputation would disappear faster than that man's life over there." I pointed to the dead man, then swept past Todoroki and into the building. Todoroki still stood there, still covered in blood, in shock that I had killed someone, and had threatened to kill him. "Oh, come on!" I rolled my eyes. "Let's just go already."

Todoroki turned and walked toward me, a new coldness in his eyes. I had the feeling that he was dropping the hero act. It was time for me to get to know the real him. Todoroki marched through the building with a purpose. I had to run to keep up with his pace. An older woman shot Todoroki a concerned look as he swept past, his feet leaving bloody prints in the carpet. The woman then caught sight of me, and looked as if she was about to scream. I put a finger to my lips, and held up a knife, aiming the tip at her heart, sending her a clear message. If she made a sound, she'd die.

Todoroki stopped in front of a white door, the paint peeling off of the door. He unlocked the door, and we stepped into a modest apartment, a simple living room and kitchenette, with a hallway to the left, no doubt leading to the bedrooms. I ran my finger along the tile counter tops. "You know," I said, "I always expected the number one hero to live in a much more, I don't know, expensive place."

"I don't like to be noticed." Todoroki said coldly.

"Then why become a hero? You all are treated practically like celebrities!"

Todoroki walked disappeared into the hallway, ignoring me. He reappeared a few seconds later carrying a pile of clothes. He threw them at me. "Put these on. You'll be more inconspicuous if you don't have blood on you, and keep the hood up if someone comes in." he paused when I stared at him blankly. "Bathroom's first door on the left."

I picked the pile of clothes off of the floor, as I had failed at catching it, and left for the bathroom. The room was small, a shower, sink, toilet, all cramped into the tiny, white painted room. I took a look at what Todoroki had brought me. A black hoodie, a white T-shirt, and blue jeans. It definitely different than what I was used to, and I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of accepting 'help' from him. I decided to just wear the hoodie over my regular clothes, which disguised the bloody hand prints on my arm. That was enough. The hoodie was too large, falling my about mid thigh, and I had sweater paws. I looked like Toga, what with her cutesie, school girl look, but I wore it anyway. If he made a comment on it, I would murder him in a more painful way than the way I planned.

I stepped out of the bathroom, and looked for Todoroki. I couldn't find him, but heard the shower running. He was probably trying to get all of the blood of of him. He should probably get used to the blood, what with I had planned for him.

I decided to sit in the living room until he got out. I was postponing killing or kidnapping him until I got some answers to some questions I had been meaning to ask for a while. Also, the plan I had formed required me to get a few other things before I could go through with it. I might as well be passive toward him, and possibly get him to trust me, somewhat. He obviously had something to say to me, too. So my best option was to wait.

I heard a knock on the door. The shower was still running, so I figured, why not? Whoever it was was going to see me, and as for Todoroki's reputation, I didn't give a shit. Pulling up my hood, I opened the door to reveal a woman in the red crop top, her black hair in a spiky ponytail. When she saw me, her smile turned to a look of confusion, then lit up with a look of happy surprise. 

"I didn't know Todo finally found a boyfriend!" she exclaimed. "I'm Momo! It's nice to meet you, umm, who are you?"

I smiled slightly, but inside I was seething. I was utterly disgusted by this woman, Momo's, assumption, so much so that I was just that close to killing her right then and there. I was his enemy, not his..whatever. But I kept my anger contained. It was easier to catch a victim unexpected, and I always loved the look of terror on people's faces when I introduced myself.

I pulled back my hood, revealing my bright green eyes and my wide, insane smile that I loved to introduce myself with. "I'm Deku!" I laughed. "Come on in!"

Punishment- A tododeku ficWhere stories live. Discover now