Prepare pt. 2

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Todoroki took my hand as we walked through the city. His body was tense and on high alert, as was mine. This was the final test for him. He had done everything right on his journey to become a villain, but he still needed finish what he had started.

I wrap my fingers around my knife as we climb the long driveway to the Todoroki house. A bright red For Sale sign blows around in the wind at the front of the traditional Japanese house. No one's bought it, huh? You'd think that it'd sell faster. After all, it's the home of heroes. "Heroes."

Todoroki's hand clenches as we near the door. We were going to be inconspicuous, but I doubt that Endeavor even cares enough to keep track of who's there or not. He's probably in the kitchen or his bedroom, drinking. At least, I hope he is.

I sit down against a wall, just out of sight of all of the windows. "Ok, so we're here."

Todoroki looks breathless. "Yeah."

"So it's the end of the line."


"So what's the plan?"


I grab the collar of his shirt and touch our noses together. "Shoto, you have to listen to me, ok? This is the end of the line. It's what you set out to do from the day we met. You have to decide what to do."

He closes his eyes, and a tear lands on the tip of my nose. "I don't know. Can't you just?"

"No," I put my hand to his cheeks and wipe his tears away. "I can't. This is your fight, not mine."

"Then why are you here?"

I shrug. "Moral support and backup. Also, because I love you." Endeavor is so strong that even I can't kill him. I really just want to be there to make sure that Shoto will get out of this alive. Because if he doesn't, I'll be back to where I started. With nothing.

"I love you, too." he smiles with pained eyes. "I don't want to lose you during this."

"You won't." I run my hand through his hair. "You ready?"

He rubs his eyes and sniffles, but his eyes become sharp and alert. I know his answer before he even begins to respond. "Yeah, I think I am."

"So what are we doing?"

"We're going to find him and shoot him. The original plan." he slips his gun out of his holster and cocks it. "Now we just have to find him."

We creep along the edges of the house, peeking in the window every now and then. Finally, we see him, sitting on a barstool in the kitchen. He's nursing a bottle of beer and his head is in his hands. 

"Is he crying?" Shoto whispers. His gun drifts to his side, and I lift it back up. He can't back out now. Not when we're so close to the end.

"It doesn't matter." I hiss. "Shoot him. Let's just get this overwith."

His eyes glass over with tears, but he still raises the gun. There's an emotion inside him, one I can't quite place. Fear and anger. Regret and hope combined in a frenzy of actions and memories. What is he thinking about? The old days with his father? His life with me? What he's about to do? I sigh. No matter how hard I try, I can never get inside anyone's head perfectly.

He takes a deep breath and wipes a few tears from his cheek. His fingers grip the trigger on the gun. Endeavor remains on his barstool, unknowing. Out of all the ways of killing, this was always the worst for me. It just didn't seem right to deny the target a chance to beat me.

"Shoto, come on. It's not that hard." I roll my eyes. I know it's hard for him, but this is just a kill. It's nothing in comparison to all of the people that live on this Earth.

His hands shake, and his eyes shut tight. "I can't do it." the words are quick and breathy and the gun falls to his side like his words had sucked out every last ounce of strength in him. "I don't care what he's done. I can't do it."

"Yes, you can." I mutter. "You have to." My hand drifts toward my own gun. If he won't kill him, I will. Either way, I need Endeavor out of my life. 

"No, I don't. I'm not required to kill people." he looks at me, and the air starts to heat up with his fire. 

"Fine, then." I raise my gun suddenly and pull the trigger, looking only for a second at where I'm aiming.

"Deku, no!" he grabs at the smoking gun, but it's far too late. I shot the gun, and now we're either going to go home happy or with several severe burns.

We back, biatches. I'm thriving. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy the new update. I'll keep working on the last few chapters, but you're going to have to cut me some slack as I've got school and am busy.

Adios, y'all,


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