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a/n: 🥰


Iris, unprepared, opened the front door to the doorbell. Her mouth hung a little before chuckling and looking down at her extremely lazy attire, "Once again, I'm not ready to open to door for you," She awkwardly comments as Taehyung's eyes travel vertically down. The shy woman starts to pull on her very short shorts in efforts to lower them and cover more skin.

She awkwardly clears her throat, causing Taehyung's head to immediately snap up and break into cold sweat, "H-Hey Iris."

She snorts, sensing his nervousness, "Hi Taehyung. What's up?" She asks with an arm leaning against the door. Taehyung starts to fiddle with the letters of mail in his hand, "I wanted to ask you out on a date."

The woman's eyebrows slightly jump at how straightforward his question was. She broke into a small smile, open to the idea, "Where?"

A simple one-worded question throws the boy off guard as he freezes momentarily, thinking to himself, Shit, I should've planned this out before I asked her—oh my g-

The woman furrows her eyebrows, "Taehyung?" She calls, seeing him zone out.

"R-Right. I actually uh- don't have a place planned- I just wanted to go out on a date with you- That's all I know." He sheepishly says, the tips of his ears turning red, which Iris found adorable.

She chuckles, the smile reaching to her eyes, "Alright then. I'm free tonight, so if you have a place in mind, text me." She says bravely, slowly closing the door. She heard him pipe an "ok" and fully closed the door.

Iris turns around and slightly jumps back in sight of her sister smirking at her, "Flirting with the delivery man?" She says cunningly, with a smirk dressed on her face that Iris wanted to smack off, "No, I wasn't. Shut up," She mumbles, rolling her eyes to walk past her giddy sister.

"He's cute!" Indigo yells, giggling as Iris goes up the stairs to her room.

Yeah, he is. Extremely. Iris answers in her head, smiling to herself.


Taehyung: I've got a place
sent at 7:08 PM

Iris: Where
sent at 7:10 PM

Taehyung: Let's go to the movies tonight
sent at 7:10 PM

Iris: Are you finished with work
sent at 7:10 PM

Taehyung: Yes in a few
sent at 7:11 PM

Taehyung: I'm going to go home which is like a 45 min drive and shower and then I'll come to pick you up
sent at 7:11 PM

Iris: Okay text me when you're almost here
sent at 7:11 PM

Taehyung: I will
sent at 7:12 PM

Iris's heart races, and she gets off of her bed to find an outfit. After a few minutes of staring into her closet, she gives up, pulling out her oversized purple hoodie along with her light gray-washed jeans that had some seams hanging out at the opening of the knees.

Taehyung: I'll be there in 5 minutes
sent at 8:26 PM

Iris: (੭ 'ロ')੭⁾
sent at 8:26 PM

After a few minutes of waiting downstairs, Iris hears a car honk. She gets up, about to leave until she remembers something. She yells, facing the wooden stairs, "Indigo, I'm going out! There's dinner in the fridge; just heat it up!" She shouts, waiting a few seconds to hear a faint, muffled shout "Okay, have fun!"

Iris put on her white sneakers that she had been too lazy to clean, walking out of her house. As she opens the car door, she's met with the distinct scent belonging to Taehyung with a faint scent of cologne.

"Hey Iris." He greets, facing the woman who stupidly fumbled to close the car door.

"Hey." She exhales, clicking her seat belt in. "Isn't it a little late?" She asks, looking at the digital clock in the car that read 8:30 PM.

Taehyung's panic started to grow, "I-It's too late for you?"

Iris shakes her hands in front of her frantically, "Nonono- I meant for you. You just got off of work from a long day, and you drove home which is 45 minutes away, and now you're taking me out on a date. Couldn't you have done this another day when you're relaxed? Aren't you tired?" Iris continues to worriedly ask, feeling guiltier by the second as she knew she agreed anyway.

Taehyung smiles at her concern, "Yeah. I am tired, but I wanted to take you out on a date. I didn't want to wait for the weekend." He says, eyes straight and focused on the road. Iris sighs a little, "If you're tired, you should rest— seriously."

Taehyung turns his head to look at the woman, scrunching up his face cutely, "No."

"Besides, why did you want to go so eagerly?" Iris asks, shrugging at the driving male.

"Every time we hang out, it's like we're doing favors for each other, so I just wanted to spend time together for my own sake." He explains, suddenly feeling shy.

Iris puckers her lips, "I'm flattered that you make these efforts to go on this date with me. It's cute," Iris comments, snapping her head to his way when she hears a giggle. Taehyung was smiling while biting his bottom lip with his top row of pearly white teeth.

Iris shakes her head softly, "So, when is the movie?"

"I think 8:50. We'll make it." He assures.

The woman nods, leaning against the car door to stare out the window. Beaming car lights, blaring car honks, black sky with shining white dots, brightly lit buildings, being in Taehyung's car— all that felt comfortable for Iris.

After the two arrived at the premises, they went in to buy popcorn, and after bickering about who pays for the popcorn, they finally got into the movie theater. The lights dimmed out, and Taehyung began to obnoxiously chomp on multiple pieces of popcorn, earning a smack from Iris and glances from other spectators. He sheepishly apologizes to the people around him and gave an eye smile to Iris.

She shook her head, taking some pieces of popcorn. Afterward, she naturally laid her head on Taehyung's shoulder, which abruptly halts his popcorn chewing sounds. His heart thumped against his chest as he grew nervous and giddy. He sets the popcorn down and subconsciously puts his arm around her curled up form. Iris felt secure with his arm around, enjoying the feeling.

At this moment, she realizes. She felt safe with him and wanted to further undergo this process all over again. She loved seeing him every day even if it was just a minute or two. She loved the small things that he does— his small habits that he has including fiddling with his fingers, waddling like a penguin in his position when he's nervous, or the way the tips of his ears bloomed into a shade of pink. She loved the way his eyes creased when he displayed his joyful rectangular smile, his mouth creases when expressing happiness, his slender, beautiful hands that she wants to hold forever, his warm-hearted and caring demeanor, the way he gets flustered and shy around her sometimes, the way his scent makes her want to cuddle and breathe his aroma, the way his laugh gives her the good kind of goosebumps from sounding so wholehearted, the way the thought of him makes her feel warm and fluffy, and ultimately, the way his presence alone gives her complete, utter happiness.

"Movie's starting!" Taehyung whisper-yelled, patting the woman's shoulder to alert her. She looks up to him, smiling with his focus on the brightly lit screen. Even in such low light, Taehyung seemed to gleam effortlessly in her eyes.

Damn, I am falling hard for this man.

She giggles softly, going back to her original, comforting spot as she snuggles closer.

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